Dibs on the Imperial Guard.
"Men, we are the first, last and often only line of defence the Imperium has against what is out there. You and that fine piece of Imperial weaponry you hold in your hands is all that is keeping humanity alive. Most of you will probably not live to see your second year in the Guard and most of you will probably never see your homeworlds again, but I can guarantee you that when you do fall, with a prayer to the most high and mighty God-Emperor on your lips, you will have earned the right to call yourself a man!"
— Staff Sergeant Vermak, 12th Cadian Shock Regiment
Long live Cadia Prime.
Maybe there is something wrong with me but this game looks so stupid and ridiculous. Armor taken out of the moon - completly stupid design of them. Especially the shoulderguards on the trailer.
Units look in a way that I'd rather laugh instead of zooming and watching every detail.
Swords vs machine guns.
For me, this game looks like it's made for some freaks.
Well, that " stupid and ridiculous" will turn to a sense of pride and fandom if you know the back story, and it depends on your personal taste as you said. But again, that universe is Epic, like the work of Tolkien. Things like Hobbits and wizard with 2 meters of beard are also stupid, but watch the movies of read the books and they become epic.
Oh, and about the melee and swords, they are not simply swords. They are called "Power Weapons" and they are technologically advanced.
Not only that, but there is another concept in this universe called "The Machine Spirit". Basically, all pieces of machinery have "Spirits" which can help mankind, or oppose it. So judge not a weapon by its look.