Man those lines are hilarious, but as you mentioned "Stalin can suck my dick" is the funniest thing I've heard in this game. I started laughing like a maniac when I heard it for the first time.
in combat:
Get that MG42 in tho aaaaaactioooooon.
Keep moving you bastards, they can't hit a moving target.
Most of their lines actually. They really sound "German" and they're very enthusiastic.
PanzerGrenadiers (PE)
They just sound frustrated. They're like "Ok, I'm done with this war, fuck you Hitler".
Abuse him and he goes:
Driver, fart in the radio... FAAAART.
PE ligh vehicle (not sure, just remember the line):
It appears our commandant is a victim of some kind of nerve gas.
CoH2: I can't chose a line really, most are great. But I think one of the best lines is: "
The battle is about to commence" by Sturmpioneers.
PS: I forgot to mention Brit officers and announcer in vCoH. Man aren't they great. Brit Lt is a Stereotypical British person speaking with Received Pronunciation and keeps calm in battle. Brit announcer is also a chap! "
NCOs reporting that they have destroyed a German target."