General Information
Register Time: 27 Dec 2013, 16:54 PM
Last Visit Time: 28 Mar 2024, 23:06 PM
Residence: Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Nationality: Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Timezone: Asia/Tehran
Game Name: <HOJAT>RMMLz
i don't know how you flank a kubel unless there's a los blocker between your squad and the kubel. it'll still get out in time unless you have an AT nade or the pathing fucks up.
True, Kuble in good hands is a beast. Great LoS so if you only pay attention you can escape most flanks
we (generous we) have. it's call kappa patch and no one plays it for the usual reasons. also, relic doesn't give a shit about it.
As I said, kappatch is great but there are a lot of drastic changes which Relic might not even consider. I'm talking a mod, which is the core game with the some suggested but limited changes
Here is an example, everyone is fighting over PTRS and Cons spam. There are a lot of suggestions which can be tested onw by one and a lot of arguments may settle.
But your point is valid, player contribution is the key.
Good news, the CPC Hideout requires no tech and the rest of the buildings do not require the CPC hideout. So you can forgo it entirely in your tech plans
A lot of interesting ideas, I'm too tired to go in detail, sorry. But one major problem. This faction can not tech up in maps with very few civilian buildings, or the enemy can simply deny the buildings and you're done. Interesting Idea, but needs HUGE map adjustments, and even with that can not ever be balanced.
Just wanted to point out a game breaking issue, the rest are very interesting, both historically and gameplay-wise. There are some other issues thought, but I think a discussion can give you more ideas.
I know we are not gonna see these in game, but very interesting concepts. Maybe with a better mod tool...
I used to sympathize with the "OST WEAK" complaints on this forum but the more I play them and play against them ESPECIALLY this patch the more I want to just ignore the balance forums altogether.
People mix up balance and map imbalances. The problem is simple, in some maps Rifles can sneak up on you and decimate your grens and MGs, and since you can't over-extent as Ostheer, you suffer a bit. But in open areas, grens in green cover will hold of everything, and on battlephase later, here comes LMG42.
There are a lot of problems with Ost (Teching being the most important one) but they are not desperate.
If the community is so dedicated to fix this, we can one of mod makers to create mod for Large games and our own little Beta test. I think Napalm can organize this... hmmm let's say balance movement. Something like kappatch, but only with the changes that we think will be implemented by Relic. Things like small buffs and nerfs which we typically see.
Our little community claims to be very well-educated and most people here feel like the have a super duper deep knowledge of the game mechanics. If only we were dedicated enough, to create our own Beta-Mod and with the help of Pro and average players test things we suggest. We can already see a some of our strategists test things in cheat mode and publish the results. Why not take it one step forward?