I don't neglect a single thing about the DLC situation. I just didn't bring it up because it's apparant enough. Hell do you think I like buying DLC? I payed enough for the game in pre order, did I want to see an abundance of stuff being thrown at me for a couple of months? Nope.
The game is more than DLC alone and there are enough threads here to prove that, core mechanics you know?
I'm glad you agree. I don't think coddling the dev team is doing the game or the community any good though. Let Relic make the excuses, we're the customers and should be keeping them honest. |
And as for "how easy it is"... I'm just a consumer of video games, not a developer, but considering that this is the only game I've played that is constantly blighted with these recurring problems, I'd say its not difficult for a professional company who has their shit together. |
Tell me how easy it is to balance a game that is out for less than a year. This is a very demanding game on all aspects. Tell me how a company that was on the verge of bancrupcy months before a game launch is supposed to rush things even more? Tell me how easy it is for all the wanted changes to be implemented? There's not going to be one magic patch that solves everything you know. I'm glad they're taking their time to come up with something decent rahter than hotfixes everytime I start the game.
I'm not trying to act like a Relic fanboy, but please consider this and give them some TIME.
Here are a couple thoughts....
-Test changes before releasing them (outrageous, I know)
-stop adding new content that completely disrupts the balance of the game
-make incremental changes instead of their preferred method of making multitudes of drastic changes only to have to revert them
-focus resources on actually fixing problems instead of pumping out DLC like the gravy train is about to leave the station for good
Some people are ever apologetic for these slackers and incompetents. The game has been out for the better part of a year and it still plays like a beta build. Perhaps they were on the brink of bankruptcy because they're not very good at their jobs. Given the current state of affairs that doesn't seem like a far fetched reason. |
I just read a rumor that they're nerfing the German scout car--a unit already so weak that its only role is to troll noob opponents. If this is true, the dev team has their heads so far up their asses that they have no clue where they're going. |
Lets face it, the issue isn't with the community, its with the game.
Business models and all that aside, the development team is just second rate. Period. How many patches have mortar/artillery bulletins been bugged for (they have opposite effect and decrease accuracy)? Its things like this that are clear evidence that these changes weren't tested ONCE before release, which is absolutely pathetic. Bugs are such low priority that patch after patch this has been ignored. I'd wager that this bug is a simple matter of a -ve sign too.
They have room on the payroll for people to post on forums all day, but they can't even do their due diligence as programmers. |
Relic put these in the game without testing them, even once. |
This game has so many issues that I'd be embarrassed to recommend a friend pay good money for it. It's not even that fun for me anymore, the game play just isn't rewarding. Rarely are games competitive, with victories that are hard fought and well earned through good strategy and micro.
You spend as much time sitting around waiting as you do playing in this game.
wait for a match? 1-5 min
wait for loading? 1-2 min
does game load? if no, wait ~5-10 min for match to end, or leave and get a loss.
So you've wasted a good chunk of time just getting a game, and maybe 1/5 games will be satisfying to play.
I started playing war thunder to kill the time between coh2 matches, then I realized, why am I even bothering with coh2 at all? Its a joy kill, other games are fun without all the bullshit. I don't have any compunction suggesting a game like war thunder to friends, because if they like the genre they'll like it and have nothing to lose. This is quite unlike coh2, where even if you like RTS theres a good chance you'll hate coh2 for all its flaws and you're out $60.
If you can't deal with a panther wasting blitz to suicide your lines, then you seriously need to improve your game play. Its pathetic that the metagame in CoH2 "evolves" not by people solving problems and coming up with creative counters and new strategies, but by a handful of people crying to the developers until they fold and accommodate them.
Use mines. Period. That is the hard counter german tank aggression. 30 munitions for each flank/approach shuts down unsupported tank maneuvers. You'll only get tank rushed if you let yourself, otherwise germans are forced to fight your fight.
One thing that has to be taken into consideration with tank balance is each factions ability to repair. Soviets have a lot more options(crew self repair, conscript repair, repair stations), while germans can only mass pioneers. Factor in soviets 1-hit squad wipe options and you have significant vulnerability, even the 82mm mortars precision strike will wipe every pioneer working on the Panthers compact chassis.
As much as I enjoy coh2, I can't bring myself to recommend this game to any of my friends, even when its free. |
The current state of combat involving tanks and infantry is pretty comical, tanks get chased around by the lowest tier infantry (i.e. conscripts, grenadiers) instead of the other way around. Armoured cars, instead of being more resilient vs infantry than bare flesh need to be micro'd like snipers and are even more fragile. Now with the nerf to moving accuracy a single infantry squad can chase tanks for ages before having to retreat.
The imbalance in micro that is required is absurd, infantry need to be issued 1 command (atnade/faust), tanks need to be constantly maneuvered.
The whole dynamic is screwed up.
Tanks are formidable weapons against infantry, in the absence of anti-tank weapons, a tank should easily displace soldiers. Infantry should be scurrying around tanks and hiding in cover, not chasing them!
Far be it for me to say how the game should be run, but I have a few ideas that would address this issue.
1) Faust/At nade - should primarily inflict damage, not disable. Guarantee damage on hit, chance to disable tracks/engine only on rear armour attacks.
2) improved affects of cover for infantry -green should keep guys relatively safe, infantry with no cover should be more vulnerable
3) increased affect of range - give infantry decent staying power at long range, and die quicker up close.
With these changes conscripts/grenediers can still deal with all manner of vehicles in a reliable yet cost-innefficient way. With guaranteed damage you can make a calculated decision on how much munitions it will cost to kill a vehicle with tier 0/1. The chance to disable on rear attacks would punish tanks that are over extended and unsupported.
The changes to cover/range would punish infantry that attempts rushing tanks head on and would let players conserve their infantry until AT weapons can be brought in by soft retreating and hiding in cover.
Tanks would be able to kill covered infantry quickly up close, but would risk over extending and getting disabled from behind.