John Thomas
76561198036989225 |
Thread: Shocks20 Aug 2014, 13:16 PM
Just trying to be constructive there. Shocks are one of the smallest inbalance problems soviet army has because you can deal with them. If we are talking about ISU for instance, now that's a big problem, because in the hands of a not stupid player it is almos unkillable.
Was just clarifying anyway. Agreed that shocks (atleast as ostheer) aren't a big problem and the ISU's consistent area effect sniping of AT guns and infantry is. |
Thread: Shocks20 Aug 2014, 10:55 AM
Shocks have several weaknesses:
- they cost alot to call-in and to reinforce. Used extensively, they can drain your manpower;
- they are efficient only in close quorter combat though they have no problem reaching it. So they must be kept at distance;
- they got no AT.
So what we learn from this?
- Use something that kills them quickly enough. Like mines, snipers, vehicles (especialy AA vehicles);
- Keep them at distance as much as possible by supressing them or by moving your units backwards. Concentrate all your infantry fire on one squad at a time;
- use vehicles (even light vehicles to chase and kill them).
There you are.
No, they are not inbalanced. I frankly prefer to be "shocked" than "tanked" or "ISUed" 
Your logic is wrong; for example if the Wehrmacht sniper was to have 10x the RoF it would still have "no AT", "cost alot" and die at close range. But it would be extremely overpowered.
Whether or not something has counters or is killable doesn't tell you if it overperforms or underperforms. |
Thread: Shocks20 Aug 2014, 00:40 AM
Me and one of my 2v2 partners like to refer to them as "the Shock troops of doom"
Later followed up by the isu152 with 60+ infantry kills. That aside:
I think shocks might be slightly too tough, but then i would like to see soviet penals get some love, like a 60 munitions rifle package to make them more akin to BAR rifles and grens.
(and then ditch the silly 2nd man on soviet sniper squads and give them proper camo, for finally
some good tier 1 vs tier 1 combat)
There is currently too much separation between some of the call-ins and the basic army units (shocks vs penals, tiger vs panther ect.), where the call-ins are a no brainer (especially with teching costs).
Call-ins should be units that compliment the army, not units that need to fill in glaring holes or counter other call-ins (*cough* Elefant vs ISU-152 *cough*). |
SU-85 is a good unit, but its a similar story with panther - the super tanks come out not long after so no one uses them.
No one wants a panther when they can get a tiger, no one wants the SU-85 if they can get an IS-2 or ISU-152 |
Allies in 1v1 and especially in 2v2 with double Soviets. OKW in 1v1 and 2v2 are pretty unfavorable. Rifle squad in a jeep is easy stomp mode against OKW, and then soviets have their maxims, or snipers and m3s.
Double soviets have the best unit(/bullshit) synergy - For example; 2 man sniper squad spam + maxim spam, transition into B4s and isu152s (then abuse the B4 bug to fire it constantly).
Then OKW is weak to snipers, maxims, or m3s/jeeps, hence can suffer alot early on. |
ISU152 1 shots AT guns and squads too consistently, thus as Wehrmacht you're forced into having elefants to counter - and forcing you to use super tanks to counter super tanks is very bad game mechanics |
Biggest problem with maps is the sizing for the number of players on the map.
Semois is a prime example, the map is just too small for 2v2 play. |
Classic balance thread, people who are bad at the game insulting each other and the OP. Should need to be top 100 before commenting game on game balance.
The OKW flak HT under performs and the US AA HT over performs. |
Incredible how no one in this thread has said the 2 man soviet sniper squads are a problem due to not being able to counter snipe them. The best way to kill a sniper early on is to counter snipe him, however this doesn't work against 2 man squads.
The problem isn't that soviet snipers are too good, its that they are too hard to kill.
And then for OKW the kubel is terrible at chasing snipers. |