I typed a lovely essay on this a little earlier, but my internet went out as I was editing and my responses to a few of you were lost. My main point was that I believe CoH2 is not as successful as the top DOTAs out there currently not because those DOTAs are "F2P", but because they are more accessible. What I mean by this is that the SysReqs are not as demanding as CoH2's, the learning curve isn't as high, it's a genre that's been around for a long while and that more people are generally interested in (While the CoH franchises' take on RTS is somewhat new), divisions and leagues to determine overall skill WITHIN the game etc. etc... I can go on. Saying that CoH2's shortfall in having the following that LoL and Dota2 have was that it is not F2P is silly. If CoH2 was F2P it still would not have the following those games have, because it just isn't as accessible.
F2p is significant portion of being "accessible" as a game......
Well of course SysReq are part of the equitation, but less influential.
Ohh and the learning curve. A debated subject.
Lets define it first: "The definition of a learning curve is the time and study that it takes to develop knowledge or skills relating to a particular subject or task."
As a person playing Dota for over 9 years and CoH franchise about 6, with extensive knowledge in both games mechanical structure and technical flow, I can safely say, Dota is more complex, hands down, the amount of strategical options, composition, item composition on heroes, the roles, making the right decisions at the right time and as a team, picks and bans, etc.
I understand you may see it as inferior because it looks easier at first glance, and that contributed to its success, not being actually easier. CoH2 is even made a bit more easier in terms of the learning curve than its predecessor, with streamlined statistical system.