Don't worry, your map size is absolutely fine for 1vs1! In fact, it may be a little on the large side.
Personally, once roads and buildings are placed into the territory design, I always paint the basic tiles in. Get a grasp of what textures will be used in what areas (such as roots and dirt near where you want forests, grass near fields, and dirt near roads), and then add splines and splats to complete the visuals. Objects always come last for me, once you've painted your canvas, so to speak!
Good work so far! You've come further than most ever manage! |
Hey Hans! It's not often we see you around here!
Thanks for your comments. If you ever fancy a hand at mapping, let me know! I'll set you up. |
This looks great! Very well done! |
Thanks guys! These are great!
Keep them coming, and at the end of the month, I'll make an update! |
Many thanks!
If you don't have any Stamps that you can copy across, why not recommend a small section of a favourite map that you'd like to see more often! |
Keep your eyes peeled! There may yet be a fix! |
So far as I'm aware, you cannot get these to open. As buildings go, a unit should not actually have to touch a door for it to "simulate" them entering it. You can have all forms of impass around and within a building, and so long as they reach the vicinity of a doorway, they will enter it.
However, at present, those particular models don't have their second-floor doors actually recognised as doors.
They're better used for ruins! |
This looks excellent! Well done!
But unless my eye deceives me, I'm sure I can see some of the old pine trees from COH1 in the background. Have a look at whether there are any newer models to replace them! A tiny nit-pick, in the face of things!
Keep up the good work! |
So far as I'm aware, it is only possible to have melted ice or freezing ice, but not anything in the reverse. However, try using some clever texturing, shallow water and broken ice (with no blizzard settings) to give the impression of a river in thaw. It won't freeze over again, and can still look good! |
Thanks for covering this, Srinidhalaya.
Alex, as has already been said, you should always ask the permission of the map's original owner before attempting to make changes. Any uploaded maps without this permission will be flagged and removed by Steam. |