wait. what is this territory map? is it something you do on photoshop?
In my opinion, the best way to make a map, is start with the territory map. This can be done free hand on paper, on photoshop overlay google map (as done above), or how ever. There is a way to import it into the worldbuilder as a SPLAT, but that takes time, when you could just as easily re-draw it in worldbuilder using high contrasting splines initially to mark the borders, then place the territory objects, then paint the sectors. Doing this first, usually results in a highly balanced map, and decreases production time significantly.
One of the biggest advantages, is to discuss the balance map prior to starting any actual worldbuilder work. Most likely, you will receive strong input regarding issues, and can avoid having to redo entire sectors.
And those roads look very nice. Look forward to seeing them with some splat detail.