I've started playing this game a little again, and the matchmaking is a joke. I'm ranked currently like 2k in 1v1 w Ost. Tonight - Sunday night CST in USA at 8pm - my matches were this while I was playing Ost:
1) Random dude forgot name but ranked 3000 in 1v1.
2) http://www.coh2.org/ladders/playercard/steamid/76561198128941131 Giap ranked #2
3) Another random dude like 2500
4) Then Fov who is ranked 32 in 1v1 w USA.
Don't tell me that I am provisional. I'm not. Don't tell me that the matchmaking system is working fine. This damn thing is more broke than the political situation in Washington. Get your sh!+ together Relic. Fix the Gdamn game before adding more crap to it. What a joke!
![Honor icon](/images/replay/honor_icon.png)