Leave PE as is. (the goliath is too strong i ithink u need have a chance that u can detect him and not see him only when u are down )
1. limit tommy squads to 3 on field
2. no medics for brits, just healing (for 1v1 balance tommy squad effectiveness could be increased though)
3. fix stags
4. move option to build Vickers MG nest from tommy to sappers with upgraded repairing kit
5. Only upgraded to repair kit sappers can build Bofors 40mm and 17 pounder AT gun
6. merge sappers minesweeper abbilities upgrade with adv repair kit (5,6 would incresse possibility for player to not build a blob with piats but tech instead)
7. increase effectiveness of Cromwell vs mid/heavy armor (counting in the points mentioned before)
[rough sketch - do not take very serious]
maybe limit for sappers or fix the sapper piat that he is not better againts inf then all other
give the brit seperat medic bunker
i think limit for t1 ubits are not good cause of 1v1 tactiks or other tactiks
a wehrmacht player can spam his t1 the same with pe and he can win the game with it...