The Vickers' performance should be flattened. Its suppression performance is uneven and unreliable while its garrison effectiveness especially after vet 1 is pretty much unmatched and giving UKF a giant advantage in maps with buildings overlooking critical areas.
It should be more reliable at suppressing and less "I'm garrisoned now, GG".
+1 on this, i just had a game where my HMG 42 get in building first and firing at Vickers it got pin but craw in building and setup and KILLED my HMG42 sq in mid range building shot out, while my first group dying my 2nd HMG team entering the building the first HMG42 dead and 2nd team lost 1 model during setup, while vicker still have 3 men, in the end vicker wipe my 2nd HMG 42 sq and still have 2 model left. it is pure BS when vicker is in building. the suppression how ever sucks really bad. if there is a light vehicle in range with infantry around it. usually the other HMG fire at vehicle is usually instant pin for infantry around it, while vicker still need 2 burst. |
what i found this commander is OP is
1. counter battery have no real cds, it can return fire at all the indirect fire fire at allies, so if there is indirect fire war going on, you see it fire at non stop. this thing need a cd that can only counter 1 piece at a time and have cd between since it is free. like i have 3 piece indirect fire, firing at ally, got counter at all 3 pieces, try to saturation attack to emplacement is useless against that counter battery. also i think the CP need increase for this ability to make it come later.
2. invulnerable repair engineer at forward assembly, I never never see them got kill, today i see those guys got direct hit from 2 mortar fire, while standing in mid flame of flame nade and they still repairing. WTF!! also auto repair the emplacement need go away, make it only able to repair vehicles. you already gives the IS ability to repair emplacement, give IS a chance to use it. OKW mech HQ can't repair other HQ and the repair crew die from any damage, this should be same to forward assembly. it is just too OP atm. |
This goes for ALL indirect fire unit placed too close to shot blockers.
Mortars and arty are not exceptions here, that is why players don't put them right next to the tree lines, but if you have driven up stuka there and fired, 100% your fault.
Actually, its pretty much 100% players fault every single time when you hit shot blockers on indirect fire unit that is MOBILE.
I actually experience the mortar pit able fire mortars at where my stuka stands, yet my stuka fire will hit the trees next to it. i am not saying fire got block while firing. yes those are placement failure. what i am saying when it is landing it hits blockers make it useless. |
the part i hate is at certain map some location, UKF mortar pits or SU LefH or any art (not SU or OH rocket HT) can fire out though the trees no problem. while your stuka barrage will be blocked by trees or ruins next to them. |
well i use this commander, only thing i am little concerned is the royal engineer from FHQ seems have god mode on. I personally never see it dead from any fire. i see the FHQ got double pzanserwafer barrage many times and those guys still repairing. so many times i see they are repairing underfire and didn't drop a single guy, unlike the OKW or OH or SU repair crews or medic from buildings. |
The big problem with station Howitzers is the infantry using the Howitzers is hard to be heal or reinforce, for OH it is easier as medic bunker or med kit, SU, well there is no option to heal them unless you got a USF or UKF teammate to heal them for you, and you need halftrack to reinforce, so they got destroy or decrew very easy. maybe should give a skill that it can self reinforce and heal up with use a CD of a barrage time. like the howitzer can fire right now but you got choice to heal and reinforce your crew, but once you choose to heal and reinforce, the howitzer is treat as fired already need wait for CD again to fire. |
SP are perfectly fine yes repair speed is fast but you rarely see anyone have 2 SP at late game to repair tanks, while UKF usually have 2 sappers as they are not bad at fighting if you put some lmg in their hands, SU i see alot player with 2 CE as 1 with flamethrower 1 with minesweeper, USF while i never see anyone with less than 2 RE with bazooka running around, also USF crew can repair themselves pretty fast except Pershing. so i don't see there is any really SP repair advantage at end really. |
also USF medic have pistols, why not other faction's medic have pitols too.
lol just little off topic |
hmm..guys can u tell me how to use Cons?..
cause i dint play the game for soo long,
n when i start playing,. im only opening with Maxim spam,
but when i want to try Cons,
it seem that Cons feel abit lack in everything, from other Allied Main troop
for Example Rifleman, u can close in for losing 1 modal to drop 4 Volk model
IS u can just stay in yellow or Green n win agains almost 1v1 long range,
but for cons, its dmg almost similar to rifle,
but it die Quickly when close in n Lack in long range dmg,
i realy dont know how to engage cons.. Off topic sry ok guys
open a thread or search in Red Army Strategies, there should be alot ppl to help you |
lol you must been drinking ...omit...
i was going to post a antry comments but see dr. green's post decide not to.  |