So in your opinion, the sniper in M3 is the only op unit/mechanic in the entire existence of coh2 that is worse than usf morter.

Just off the top of my head, i would say any of the following units/abilities before they were nerfed were worse than the usf morter....
1. Tiger Ace.
2. Windustry.
3. Flamer Rifles.
4. LMG obers
5. CAS
6. Strafe.
7. P47 rockets.
8. Stug E
9. 1 CP shocks.
10. Leig Suppression.
11. Brits Centaur/Crocodile/Bofors
12. ISU
13. Ost Flame Halftrack.
14. Sov M5
15. Sov ptrs spam.
16. Sov B4
Disclaimer : I am not supporting the morter, nor am i making any comment relating to the current balance between usf and ost. I am simply saying the usf morter is not the worst bs unit/ability to plague the game over its entire lifespan.
Adding to that list:
-First version of USF turbomortar with maphacking tracking
-Assault Grens, Osstruppen and FHQ 3 days of terror
(i guess from now on i should leave bugs aside cause we wouldn't end and design issues such as blizzard or plane crushing)
-Snipers with sprint and precision strike on artillery (specially 120dmg 120mm mortar)
-Good old first version of maxim spam and MG42 suppression bulletins
-T70 crush
-Pio spam and suppressing Grens
-Katyusha and PW rocket damage
-IL2 strafe of doom
I guess i could keep going with EFA but that would be boring.
-USF vs OH was REALLY worst on release. Rifles > LT > Sherman > GG
-Defensive stance
-Doge 0CP
-CalliOP, Greyhound, 155mm barrage. Overbuffed AssEngies (although this would be on equal level to current mortar)
-RE volley fire
-Kubeljesus and Truck crushing/pushing
-Scavenge artillery
-2v2 double OKW fortification into KT meta
-1st version of JT
-1st version of Artillery cover + Air supremacy + Vanguard
-Free anvil upgraded engineers and churchills
IB4 USF fanboy:
-Limit picking LMGs from racks to 1. Nerf long range dps of BAR (25-35 range)
(AR should be nerf at long range across the board to PG STG44 standard, FG42 n IR STG, but those units would require buff/tweaks on other aspects)
-Adjust AoE on Stuart/T70. Stuart just need to be LESS RNG wiper with it's main gun. Stun shouldn't immobilize.
-CalliOP was nerf on the wrong aspect IMO. It should had 3/4 barrages of equal amount of rockets (you could space out a bit the time from each barrage) rather than just removing the 3rd 4rocket barrage.
-Mortar: fix bugs. Replace current vet1 scatter bonus. Either go for a reduce damage/lower range with a normal (not hyper turbo) barrage. You could actually give more identity to the pack Howie (if it could shoot at least 2 or 3 more shells on BARRAGE).