What about two players with equal skill then? One goes down because of bad luck? Maybe that is acceptable to you, but I don't think that is right.
Again, I think most people would turn off RNG if it was possible. Maybe some streamers who makes money out of the game wants RNG in it.
IF you posted this when the game was released, there would be merit in discussing the effect of HEAVY RNG but those had been mitigated or removed through the course of the game.
I think most people will agree that the current amount of RNG is fine.
By the example you have given about poker, you have the mentality that the game is a single RNG event but you fail to account that this game is a sum of enormous flipcoins on which each player has the ability to turn it in their favour, retreat out of it and decide when and where they want to "throw" their dice.
I'll give you a question. If you flip a coin 10 times, do you think that it's going to go 5 tails and 5 head ? It's more than likely it will be a 6/4 7/3 situation. But if we extend it to 1000, it's probably gonna be closer to a 50% with say a ±5% difference. What about weighting the coin so one sides is more likely to win ? What about not taking that flip coin if it's 50/50 or you have worst chances?
That's CoH for you. You min-max your opportunities. Player at equal HIGH skill, know when to take trades. When to throw the DICE. There's enough instances on the game, on which the one who played better comes ahead.
You are focusing only on the final result. Say a sniper is on retreat and you have your own sniper to kill it. You have say a roughly 50% chance to snipe it. If you miss or hit, you would say that's luck. BUT what about forcing the sniper to retreat in the first place ?
If most people would want to turn RNG off, they would be playing other games. RNG is part of the soul of CoH as a franchise.
PD: most popular games also have different levels of RNG as well.
-What are crits on games such as DOTA or WC3 ?
-What's map generation on Age of empires 2 ? What's accuracy for ranged units prior to technology upgrades?
-What's cone of fire, recoil/spread on FPS ?
-What's that thing called Hearthstone ?
-PUBG/Fortnite with random loot ?
-I'm sure sports games have different degrees of RNG. Say FIFA when 2 players are disputing the ball.