Ahh yes, the proposal of a simple, tried and tested, and easy to implement fix to a dateless problem, truly the most heinous of all trolls!
You are admitting it would be easy to fix and the only problem is relic's reluctance to balance the game properly. A sneer at all these people desperately trying to fix lelic's broken mess, and on a voluntary basis at that.
Still, highly amusing how quickly Soviet style snares have been added to UKF, whereas it seems inconceivable to apply the same to other factions. You could even keep the animations, just change the projectile!
But what am I saying. Why make it easy, when the even easier option of ignoring it remains open to all.
No, it's the same concept as replacing the Maxim with an MG42 because they can't change animations to fix deathloop.
They are not gonna remove content because once in a while it bugs out.
Also, are you a modder? Cause i don't know if Grens models have the animation for doing the AT grenade throw. |
I understand OP here.
A poor balance design has invaded 2v2's, allowing low skill strategies, like an early blob to be rather succesfull. Even when it can be countered, there is no word about it being easy. Only those who are trolling say such things. This shows how biased some players are and how unconstructive their feedback really is.
To anyone that will undoubtely quote me for saying this, be warned. Any blatant denial or adhominem will prove my point right.
One thing is riflemen UP, other very different is riflemen balance promote stupid strategies.
I will punish the same way axis blobtard strategies. Its not the prupose of a fine tuned balance.
That won't help at all. OP is playing random 2v2 against an arranged team and getting double teamed up in the first 4 mins of the game by a normal comp (3 rifles + officer) on a small map on which there's not much place to move around (Crossing). |
>replace panzerfaust and riflenade with soviet AT-nade
there you go
Not sure if trolling or if you really think that would ever be accepted by Relic. |
Also, "blobbing" shouldn't be frown upon so much by the community.
It's like getting cannon(SC2)/tower (WC3/AoE2) and blaming the game. |
Thread: (H)MG34 8 Apr 2020, 18:29 PM
The thing is, you don't need dmg on the MG34 when you only need it for suppression and the heavy lifting is been done by the other units on the faction. |
blame the map & mode, not the faction.
There isnt too much ways to do crazy 1v1 style flanking in 2v2 on camping in the woods
There's also the fact that he is playing 2v2 random vs arranged team.
Nothing really unexpected here, there are like 10 extremely good players across all factions, 20 more good ones and then above average starts.
Top 100 in CoH isn't exactly same level as top 100 in starcraft or warcraft.
Fuzzi, DaPopeCoH, Zeva the angry Dutchman, JaeForJett (50+ with EF factions), Tightrope (40-56ish), TwistedTootsy (non usf), borobadger (40ish), Tiefflieger, Finnded, etc
Some of them have have 20ish ranks with some factions, but I think if they have 2 50ish ranks they qualify.
Now you can say they’re not well known, in which case I’d say that’s not up to you to decide since you don’t play 1s.
Nothing against those guys, but CoH is a small community game with a low skill floor (mechanically wise) and low to medium knowledge requirement game (outside of basics). From playing against those guys or simil rank wise i have the same appreciation.
I more or less follow closely the other 3 big other RTS (SC2, WC3 and AoE2) on top of occasionally tapping into other genres (fighting, FPS, MOBAs) so that's my point of comparison.
I like this quote to describe "skill" or genius:
There are two types of genius. Ordinary geniuses do great things, but they leave you room to believe that you could do the same if only you worked hard enough. Then there are magicians, and you can have no idea how they do it.
The beauty of CoH2 is that 99% of it, falls in the first category.
Thread: (H)MG34 8 Apr 2020, 18:06 PM
Perhaps you're referring to the game before -this- change on Sept 9th 2014? I joined a while after (sometime in 2015) and found the new version a POS.
Currently does the least amount of suppression and is not an effective crowd control unit. We’ve decided to increase the suppression so it can fulfill its role as a crowd control unit.
Damage reduced from 4 to 2
Suppression increase by 15%
This change was applied barely before Brits got released and that is the moment when it went into avg territory. Good suppression wise, too much to be desired dmg wise.
Anything before that it was REALLY good. |
Why do people only discuss troll posts
When I make a non-troll post nobody replies or discusses but I make a troll post and 3 people reply
It's easier to dismiss a troll post. It's harder to debate a post with real arguments. |
Thread: (H)MG34 8 Apr 2020, 17:15 PM
Don't lecture me. I was there when the Suppresskubel still existed, MG34 was Fort/Luft only as CP 1, am fully aware of the potential problems. The MG34 was laughable in that era mind you.
As someone who spammed Fortifications to rank 3 on 2v2, that's completely bullshit. MG34 had better stats than MG42 while been cheaper.
The only change the unit might require is veterancy requirements (which i don't have them atm for comparison).
Vet levels should be according to the damage potential a unit has. |
Don't they get the penalties on accuracy when the HT is moving? |