You should save the replay of the game you feel there's an imbalance and upload it here
In case you don't know:
C:User\xxx\Documents\MyGames\company of heroes 2\playback
Last replay is always saved as temp.rec if you don't specifically saved the file with another name.
What unfortunately most people don't understand, is that it's not about how much time you spend spend doing something, it's about how thoughtfully you are doing so.
You will learn more from 5 hours of methodically learning than spamming 1500 hours of game just playing whatever you feel like.
At least you identified that on teamgames, ISU152 more so than KV2, are meta. More so because it's "easier" to play than other commanders. In order to counter the super heavies TD (Tiger and KT can easily be dealt with Su85/Zis) you will need a combination of ram + offmap, mark vehicle + button or Penal satchel + FMR on maps which are too lane-y and difficult been able to pull wide flanks.
You might dismiss people telling you L2P but breaking top 200 is barely what in other games would be diamond or plat league. Anything below is more likely that the issue is with the player and not with the game.