Most of the best Soviet and OKW doctrines are the stock ones you get for free (Also, you can find "paid-for" commanders through the drop system). The only paid-for docs which are truly better than the stocks are the Tiger Ace doctrine and the Elite Rifle company (Both doctrines being fairly overpowered. Both will probably be patched eventually).
You are looking at the situation as it is now. You have to remember how things were for the majority of CoH2 life-cycle to date.
Stock Ostheer commanders absolutely sucked (except Assault Support which was wildly OP). Then industry and ET were unstoppable for a period. Now that they got the money for all these commanders they are handing them out for free either as weekly rentals or war that is another slap in the face for those who paid for these commanders.
OKW has solid commanders, I will admit that but besides Rifle Company what the hell does USF have?
Compared to other games which were released at around the same time, it's not actually that bad. Some examples with far worse optimisation include Metro 2033 (Which was released, like, 5 years before COH 2 and I can barely run that game on medium whilst I can run COH 2 on high without antiliasing before lag sets in) and Skyrim (Which was released 2 years prior to Skyrim although I can only run it at the lowest settings before lag sets in).
No, no, no. This is where you are way off. CoH2 is just objectively badly optimized, even the most respected hardware review sites stated in 2013 not to take "graphics card x" performance running CoH2 as a serious benchmark because the game is so poorly optimized and power hungry that even high end systems don't get the FPS they ought to.
I haven't had noticeable input lag in any COH 2 on my main PC (30 mb/s internet connection) since the battle servers were implemented.
Start up CoH1 and enter a 4v4 and issue a move order and compare...not even close. Even the animations are delayed and slower to execute once the command is recognized in CoH2.