For everyone sucking each other’s dicks over playercards, in my glory days I broke the top 20 4v4 random Wehrmacht. But for the last year was sitting just under 1000 in both axis 4v4 random. My player card really looks like ass these days because I haven’t been playing very much at all these last months due to being clinically insane, get paid and everything. I only made this thread because I really do believe the KT is a bad position and needs a slight buff to its front armour and no one could handle stomach the ridicule they’d receive from saying it. I’m way too crazy to play anymore but I hope that Katitof keeps abusing you smug assholes. Except Naplam, Naplam was always a fucking legend!
Bye Bye =’D
Listen here you ugly cunts, buff it's front armour.  |
Firstly I can only speak from an axis 4v4 prospective.
The King Tiger has been absolute trash in 4v4 for a long time now... it's almost a click to lose button. The amount of time and resource you have to invest (at the expensive of better cheaper units) is ungodly.
Please address my actual points: speed, maneuverability, economic cost, denying yourself better cheaper units (e.g. Jadpanzer) that can be easily replaced as well as inflecting damage that wouldn't be inflected while you wait for your KT, having all your eggs in one slow moving basket that can be easily snared, marked, rammed, taken out by aircraft and out maneuvered by cheaper more effect tanks (e.g comet) that have the speed to retreat if the push goes poorly (which you do not). Not to mention the KT being unable to move quickly and strike any out of place rocket artillery or weak tanks behind enemy lines. The KT is high risk low return.
Inb4 the following points:
1. It's the most powerful unit - It's also probably the slowest unit, for me coh2 is primary about speed and catching your opponent off balance. Striking the right place at the right time.
2. It's supposed to be supported - Obviously... the KT as a whole is a drain on any 4v4 okw's army see points above.
3. L2P - I've got over 5000hrs playing as the axis. Speaking from my own perspective the KT is a luxury that will cost the army more than it can afford.
4. It's a break through tank - after initial contact has been made it is easy to know where the KT will try to break through again and build or move effective counter units its location.
I will concede it can hold up in 4v4 with the Elite armour doctrine with sturm tiger backing.
PS - Katitof is KING!
As someone who mainly plays 4v4 with strangers, I think it would be a great feature to implement. In team based games communication is essential, however, communication is often frustrated and breaks down into toxic behaviour. In game voice chat would allow for more detailed plans to be quickly implemented and adapted, in comparison to vague pings.
P.S - And of course a mute button.
Any suggestions boss? |
You can't, you just say it and proceed to act like 5 year old.
Nice one boss you showed him. |
Are you sure? My understanding is that they only /require/ two men in order to recrew the weapon, but will take three if three are available.
Or is this some new bug?
My mistake the number shown is the minimum requirement I had just interpreted it wrong for all these years.  Please disregard this thread. Thanks. |
The Wehr mortar and mg display that they only need 2 men to recrew them, when in fact they require 3.
Same could be said about Sturmtiger, but that didn't stopped it from getting buffs after buffs all the damn time since range nerf.
Really, really good stuff here boss |
44 ostwinds were ever made and not all that much more 50mm pumas.
German army used more T34s then ostwinds.
Let that sink in.
Smashing success boss |
And you're still wrong and confused.
Jimmies rustled, looking good boss. |