logs = ''
function log(l)
logs = logs..tostring(l)..'\n'
PersistentMode_SerializeResults('userdata:logs/scarlog.'..modId..'.txt', logs)
It's not the same as print, but it does the job. It saves a .txt file in Documents/My Games/Company of Heroes 2/logs. See #3 for info about the mod Id.
And yes, this can be used to save .lua files and such as well.
2. Your Win Condition Pack should have a data/scar folder. The import function works for files from either data.sga or your own data/scar folder, so just organize files however you'd like and import them where you need them.
3. Yes, just prepend your mod Id and a semi-colon before the blueprint name. For example:
You can get this Id from Mod Builder by right-clicking at the bottom right and hitting copy.
If you have more SCAR questions, I would advise posting them in a different topic since this one is about cloning attributes. Otherwise, some people might gloss over it or miss it in searches.