General Information
Register Time: 8 Sep 2013, 22:10 PM
Last Visit Time: 19 Oct 2023, 20:27 PM
Steam: 76561197964578176
Birthday: 1984-03-05
Residence: United States
Nationality: Finland
Timezone: America/Chicago
Game Name: eliw00d
.abp (Animator BluePrint) files are how the game combines different models, objects, and animations together. Since they are just art related, they should have no impact on gameplay.
in your video on win condition, you said to add the templates\Add Attributes to my mod xml file also click on 'add burn folder' and make game\scar why I ask is because when I used the Wizard it did it all for me but it put all the files in one folder not like your video do it matter! just want to make it sure I am safe with this
Honestly, you can just let the wizard do it all for you. I just prefer setting up burn folders because then you can add/remove files and not have to change anything in Mod Builder (I have over 1000 .scar files for example). In your case, it sounds like you will only ever have the one file, so what the wizard did is fine.