General Information
Register Time: 8 Sep 2013, 22:10 PM
Last Visit Time: 19 Oct 2023, 20:27 PM
Steam: 76561197964578176
Birthday: 1984-03-05
Residence: United States
Nationality: Finland
Timezone: America/Chicago
Game Name: eliw00d
Sure thing! I will write up some notes. I usually prefer video tutorials, as they are easier for me to create and easier for people to follow along (I think).
Whenever a patch comes out, it is a good idea to open the Attribute Editor and look for any warnings or errors (View > Output). They are very descriptive, which allows you to pinpoint any possible conflicts.
For example, if something has been set to null, when it should have a value, that could cause issues. So, you can go through the list of warnings or errors and make sure stuff like that is fixed.