All of Sven Hassel books...seriously,they have everything from romance,adventure to gore,war,drama |
Except cons beat grens at close range, grens beat cons at long. Both have equal strengths and weakness's when paired off against each other. The ML-20 has waaaaaay more advantages for costing exactly the same.
But Alex,in the mid game a Con squad,even upgraded to Ppsh's loose to the (LMG)Gren squad because to close the distance,Conscripts loose 2-3 models,hence they loose 30-50% of their close range DPS...agree that ML-20 performs better than Lefh but maybe that is the point...asymetric balance shit |
What are you trying to say here.
How about them just being equal? The LeFH's positives do not outweigh the ML-20's positives. If they are going to cost them same, take up the same pop cap they need to be similar in performance. If think something costing the same and being objectively worse is okay then well just lol
Well Grenadiers and Conscripts cost the same buuuut...yeah,no problem here ?
Plus,the LefH is pretty good,on long games I haz over 20 kills with it |
I was going to complain about it's enourmous range...but after being Maxim spammed I changed my is good how it is,no need for changes |
If it was an assault gun,didn't the StuG(long barrel) had the ability to barage targets ?if yes,would that be OP in thy game ?
Uh, if German armor and infantry were just better then why do allies have good winrates in 1v1? Wouldn't that be the most clean testing ground?
The idea that Axis has better shit is true (mostly) because Axis shit tends to be more expensive.
Yes Alex,I did point out that the differences are small in 1 vs 1 and I agree,better "shit" should cost more...I was refering to stock units(Grens being better than Cons,HMG being better than Maxim 1910) which are the same price,but combat wise perform differently...I am no top 200 player,but for me Ostheer is easier than Sov(no WFA),still factions seem more balanced than ever... |
Germans don't have a resource advantage. The reason why Axis is better in 4v4 is the maps are shit.
This isn't entirely true,yes some maps are shity...but Germans have better armor and better 1 vs 1 you can't really see that big of a difference,but late game 3 vs 3 or 4 vs 4 are nightmares for Allied players... |
Or you can get a Puma and do the same thing with the added benefit of also being safe from all allied light vehicles.
Indeed this is also true my friend,although I am more afraid of the Flacktrack than the Puma,as the Flack is better at AI and I am concentrating my build on fact,I haven't encountered a Puma this patch,yet I hear that it is guut  |
This thread is so wrong from too many aspects...SU are not underpowered...their stock infantry is crap and T34 could use a AI buff,apart from that they are in a pretty good place...oh,and M5 need a nerf |
How is removing reinforcement going to help if it is :
1.Melting infantry
2.Melting light vehicles desperately needs a damage nerf,it's like KV-8 all over again |