Hotchkiss was awesome in the fact that you could get a cheaper non-doctrinal arty unit that could be upgraded to easily penetrate allied armor(multiple hotchkisses could counter a pershing[Thanks to Plexy's troll idea which proved this]).
Except they don't and you know that all well.
Yes, odd shot will land on inf and kill few models or wipe the squad, but most infantry kills done by IS-2 since its scatter was changed are being made by DSHK and you know this damn well.
If you're still stuck to your conviction, play the game, use IS-2 against infantry at range(because no one rams heavies into inf) and see how it fares in comparison to tiger which lands most shots accurately.
Oh, and make sure there are no shot blockers BEHIND the targeted squads, because it will set off the shot and skew the real performance perception.
The real performance of IS2 is, it is either squadwipe or shoot like they are drunk, and virtually never die except went full retard into Ele/JT/Pak43, period.
Never used OKW booby traps or abused the fact that units hitting mines do not stop and scatter anymore, making for easy kills on mine fields, because not even the best players constantly watch where their squads go at all times, huh?
1) That thing never squadwipe
2) It costs 50 but do less damage than a 30 muni mines.