"the luck man"
lol, with the kind of random mate you had, I would say you were short changed.
What was your feeling as you were playing with that guy?
By the way that flank on the jt was awesome. I never try to do it with only two tanks but since u have mark vehicle it worked nicely. |
Is it just me or does it seem like rare commanders are never given in war spoil drops? I received so many uncommon commanders (many duplicates) but never a rare commander.
Has anyone received a rare commander? |
bump |
Coh2-stats.com is a great site to check units stats but what about abilities and bulletins? How do you check the stats of the scope upgrade range increase or the tiger ace extra sight bulletin for example?
Thanks |
Something I've thought would help PG play is buying one shrek at a time so that it's not 120 but 2x60. Also letting the g43 be two slots so 2x60 again.
g43 on pg just makes no sense in this current patch. You actually lose short range dps by getting this upgrade (from 14.805 per solider to 11.052) And you only gain a small bit on the long range (from 1.206 to 2.512).
I would never get g43 on pg in this current patch.
source: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApmrrrPr20ncdGF4VURuYjVGZXlIN3ptbV8tbzRzN0E&usp=drive_web#gid=0
Maybe single schreck upgrade and smoke grenades will make PGs much more useful.
As said above LMG meta punishes heavily short range units. Conscripts have Oraah, and Shocks have smoke, perhaps Pgrens should have any ability to get at close range safely.
This was requested before, but relic never agreed to it. In fact, in the beta it was possible to get a single shrek for 60ammo. |
Try them at vet2, they gain 30% armor, which translates to 1.3 armor. I often get 1 pg elite vetted for that reason. It becomes a killing machine and often retreat it to heal before any single solider is killed. Very cost effective for 1 unit. |
90 mp to keep a unit like this alive it nothing. This 90 mp make a counter sniper totally useless and rise the surviveability of this unit such in a unproportional rate. Theoretically it could be even possible that the 2 guys spread out and can not be killed with a single mortar shot (but like I said, theoretically)
And 90 mp for one soldier ok it is high, but compare:
1 shoot sniper = 1 dead soldier (if rng doesn't fail)
it is also a long range unit (according to CoH2 Stats, a range of 45). To say it basically, it outranges nearly every infantry unit.
So it wont be 1 shoot and then retreat and reinforce, it will be like, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, spotter died, back.
90 MP = at least more than 90 mp if you just kill pioneers with these 6 shots ...
Personally i like these 2 ideas with, but i prefer the LOS penalty in combination with a higher reinforcement cost (120). So you have to micro snipers, which lost their spotter, if you want to keep up the fight (forward reconnaissance, etc.) and you can't just spam them, because of that higher reinforcement cost, you will provide a new meta in the sniper Gameplay.
If the soviet sniper Gameplay gets a new meta, the ostheer one will get one as well and provides more creative builds in the Ostheers Tiers and even he can start playing with snipers again, without any disadvantage.
I also like the idea, that ce can not shoot, but I guess this would be a little bit too much 
I dont disagree with what you are saying, but the ost sniper is even worse than the soviet sniper to play against because of its very fast reload. Try going against it in team games as USF, its a nightmare. I had many games where my sniper did 50+ kills in a 30 min games. That is just way too much for a single unit to do. |
Vet5 Jagdtiger = Sold
The mancum drain is real!
But seriously, this game had nothing to do with classic, good CoH gameplay. Snipers, long range insta-wipe units and artillery completely drain the fun out of it.
The main bulk of this over one hour long game consists of:
1. running infantry in the middle
2. getting infantry in the middle one-shotted
3. rebuild infantry and repeat step 1
4. trying to kill snipers with artillery, which can sprint away, because why not
5. trying to destroy one long range unit with another longer range unit
I don't want to discredit the players in any way, (they played well) but the game designers.
This particular gameplay is aggravating, boring and static to no end. Snipers, ISU and guards don't allow any flanks (at least on this map), the use of cover or a somewhat dynamic gameplay at all, it's all about hardcounters.
It's really shitty. I can't imagine either one of you had much fun playing this grind for an hour.
Really well put. When I watched this replay I had to fast forward the first 20 minutes because of that.
Speaking of relic they took the 2 main problems in coh2 and made it worse with the wfa, namely fast teching and gimicky game play. They also pretty much introduced a new problem, blobbing, because of all the new weapon upgrades available that make blobbing rewarding. |
This is interesting, the OP got banned, but the thread is still open for discussion. |
I can not understand how Barton lose this game ?
What do you mean?
His play for most of this game was average, no strong flanks, use of mines/demos, or special build order. Heck, based on this game I wonder how he won the previous big competition. |