Taken from you? Sure EC-Can you're a funny guy.
Btw, this is "COH Central", not "COH2 Central". If you want to have more feedback you should post in the right forum.
The Wehr doctrines are not so well round, in fact i think US doctrines are stronger.
It's their non-doctrine units list make up for that, so many units, each one fullfills its role beautifully.
I wish US have something like this  :
Well, if you go Airborne then mortar is the only arty option you'll ever get.
I just feel that many Airborne players underestimate the use of mortars. Even Nebel or Stuka need more than one to be effective, and those are not cheap, of course they will be better. But that doesn't mean cheaper things don't have their use. |
and move wut to T4?
In my opinion there's no need for that, just Katyusha and Su-85 are enough for the Soviet T4.
Lol SU-76 is one of the best soviet units in the game... its a fast moveable light howitzer , a lot of people have no clue how to utilise it thou.
People dont make it much cuz they think everythank needs to have super armor and penetrate everything expecting for their price godmode tank, and actually this vehicle is great in 1v1 and 2v2. This post is unnecessary proposal with all due respect
2xSU-76 and SU-85 is the really strong combo since u keep ur 76' in the back (means from the distance), baraging(for free!) enemy units and crew weapons as well as support weapons against light and medium vehicles for your SU-76
Srsly u dont use SU-76 in bulk of ur attack or your defense where shrecks, paks and other vehicles can dmg it ...
Again unnecessary proposal since the system is functioning
Try searching for some replays from good streamers and veterans where they have used SU-76 the best possible way (believe me there are some)
P.S. best maps for SU-76: Minsk, both Prypiat, both Langreskaya,
No no i didn't say Su-76 is bad, just that in T4 the other two units are better than it in every way while only a bit more expensive. If people can afford 2 su-76 and a Su-85 then 99% of the time they will go for Su-85s and Katyusha instead.
All the while Soviet T3 is seriously lacking in AT and Arty.
Problem with SU-76 is that it does shit for damage and the best indirect fire option in the game is barely more expensive than it and in the same tier.
It's a decent unit in its own right, but it's got stiff competition.
Yeah! That's exactly what i want to say. |
I think that make sense, while Su-76 is a well round and good looking unit, in the current T4 there's no use for it at all. If you need arty you'll build Katyusha, if you need AT you'll build Su-85, no one seriously consider build Su-76 except for fun.
Moving the Su-76 to T3 and that'll give it some good reasons to be in the game especially in 1vs1. The fighting will be more interesting too.
(wish i could create a poll for this thread) |
This isn't about strategy. I know (at least in theory) how to play the game though my micro is only now getting better. The questino is balance.
Yes Supply drop give you munitions. But you are trading in 100 mp for it, the most dear commodity in the game. Mortars are not "free", they cost 81 mp (yes, a bargain) but they are fragile. They are also limited in speed an use, and by late game of more limited utility. But no, they are NOT artillery.
Mortars are only "guaranteed" effective (as in they do what you want/need) when laying smoke. They might be able to crit a vehicle if you get really really lucky. It cannot do what all the other artillery do which is area denial or fortification/base bombard. Not to mention that anything US gets from the 61mm mortar the Axis gets even better from the 80mm.
Instead of going in circles, lets stipulate that either the mortar is a piece of artillery or it isn't. If it is, let's just take the Stuka and the Nebel from Wehr, since they already have artillery and it is better than the US artillery.
It should be. Mortar has always being seen as one kind of artillery, isn't it?
Area denial and fortification/base bombard? Surely it can do that though not as effective as other arty. Still can help you bombard units, bunkers, 88 mm, flak 20 mm, and/or draw enemy arty from your other units. |
Ok AvNY first at least the US 60 mm mortal can move fairy quick and the range is long enough to be able to fire on the enemy without endangering itself. It can also barrage like an arty unit too. The damage is certainly not high but what can you expect from a 280 mp unit (and almost free if you go Airborne)?
My point is if you really need arty as Airborne then you should get it. One maybe too weak but two or more can pay in the long run.
Second about Bombing Run you forgot one thing: you can get 100 ammo from airborne drop so it's not that expensive just don't spam Strafe too much. Strafe is ineffective vs Wehr late game anyway.
About PBG: you don't fight Panthers with Shermans, just AT guns, Sticky bomb and some M18s (if you can) are enough. Panthers suck against AT guns. And Bergetiger is expensive, he can't field it if you don't let him.
US has non doctrinal arty too: the US mortal. It's not too bad, should try to use it properly. |
So I should give up national identity and pride in favor of a (false) utopian society where everybody gets along and is perceived as equal even though we're not?
That's two different things.
Reduce arms race does not mean giving up your national identity or something like that. Especially now you have plenty of chances to compete in something which is more beneficial for mankind (and for yourself) than that.
We got Putin , nothing to be worried about =)
You have great confidence in him  , well he's not a bad leader i guess. |