cane someone explain flak towers specially with pics?
The Germans built 8 FLAK ( FLug Abwehr Kanone = AA ) Tower emplacements in Hamburg, Berlin and Vienna in an atempt to protect the cities from allied air raids.
Overground Bunkers that could hold 10,000 to maybe 30,000 civilians each.
They were invulnerable to almost all kind of bombs having 3.5 - 5 meters of ferroconcrete walls.
The later designs featured two connected towers:
A G-Tower / Gefechtsturm / Combat Tower and
an L-Tower / Leitturm / Directing Tower.
They were placed in a triangle formation around the city's center.
The Towers had a fighting range of up to 21 km, and could spew out 8000 rounds per minute.
During the last days the Flak Tower crews deployed their AA Guns against the soviet ground forces and the towers only ceased to fire with the official capitulation of the High Command.