Ever temporarily lose control of your units or had units ordered around mysteriously (via another player)?
It's very subtle that you barely notice, other times it's blatantly obvious. This game from last evening was the latter. My units were ordered around places I didn't send them, occasionally retreating mysteriously, building things in places I never ordered built, my teammates complained in chat of the same and the enemy team complained in chat of not being able to control their units or leave base at times.
I quickly caught on to what was happening (because have had this happen before, I've seen it more) and so had to watch every unit like a hawk, so that if one was ordered away from its position I'd have to select it and give it a new command to cancel the old out, but usually the command wouldn't 'take' and I'd sit there spamming the unit commands until eventually some unknown force 'freed it.' In this particular match the enemy team seemed to bear the brunt of it.
If I even suspect this type of activity I normally drop, but stayed this time only to record whole game.
Previously, this activity was a rare occurrence but am encountering this with more frequency, as in, maybe once every-other evening or so. The tell-tale sign someone is using this type of hack is that the game has this weird stutter/choppy feel from the outset. It's not lag or FPS exactly, it's different but similar.
***I'm not naming and shaming anyone, I don't know who is responsible, but providing the replay to increase awareness, you can make your own conclusions:
Can click 'view chat' from the Replay post to view in-game chat without downloading replay. Good for added color.