You must be kidding!? No, seriously you are kidding, right? 
Why did they call it "ranked" and not "random" ?
No I am serious, there is one ladder for random teams and one ladder for premade teams, but the ranking is for every premade team constellation. So lets say there are 5 players who are friends with each other (A, B, C, D, E) who play 3v3 in changing constellations, you are player A so you have the following constellations:
A, B, C
A, B, D
A, B, E
A, C, D
A, C, E
A, D, E
All these teams have their own rank, and to get their own rank they need to go through placement in this exact constellation first

And that is just for 3v3. If you play Allies and Axis you need to double the amount again, because Axis and Allies Ladder are also seperated.
edit: Oh yeah, for the random team ladders you don't have a seperation between Axis and Allies but for every faction.