The most stupid thing about s-mines is that you get a full minefield regardless of how many you plant
the number of mines in each of the 4 boxes just increases per planted mine
typical bias when u have nfi about the game. maybe start playing some axis b4 u start calling units op |
i dont care about the clip, but

I watched your replay and the allies played like dogshit, you basically won the game but you're still complaining.
You literally walked max range into a machine gun, didn't even FOCUS it first, didn't micro your units, you did nothing at all, bro what the fuck did you think was gonna happen?
You were also toxic to the enemy team in all chat by calling them "wannabe axis" because they cant mindlessly spam infantry and win games, unlike the actual axis factions
Nice one, dipshit
y do u not care about the old clip? so 5 IS deathblobbing a mg42 is fine while my squads getting suppressed by a mg is l2p issue? this is just clear bias |
you're bullshitting but i cant be arsed to pick it apart, some forum nerd will do it instead
any mg that gets hit before it starts shooting will eventually be forced to retreat, except you definitely engaged an ability charged maxim at maximum firing range and got cucked, if they had an mg-34/42, the result would be even worse
unfortunately u can no longer see the video, but this was the old thread iirc, it was a moment where 5 IS face charged a mg 42 on Ecountry near the cutoff from the hedges. i mean sure on my reply i did not get into 20 range b4 showing my army to the maxim but i had way more MP invested.
you're bullshitting but i cant be arsed to pick it apart, some forum nerd will do it instead
any mg that gets hit before it starts shooting will eventually be forced to retreat, except you definitely engaged an ability charged maxim at maximum firing range and got cucked, if they had an mg-34/42, the result would be even worse
kk what happens if i find the thread and the clip? will u admit u r wrong and the maxim is a good machine gun? |
Literal monkey brain if you struggle vs maxims bro...
a little while back after the IS change, u can build 5 IS and face charge a MG42 and deathloop it, the comments were
he should have build more mg 42s
a single 240 MP unit should not counter a 1.3kMP army.
way too greedy building only 1 mg against a death blob
now a 260mp unit counters a 2k MP army and its ok??
the mg42 clip was also by some very high ranking player top 50 iirc, i 4got the name. im sure other ppl also remember that thread.
please dont tell me to smoke n flank cus soviet mgs pack and reposition very fast.
OKW already have Ober, ISG, P4J or even JLI/Storm/PF/Volks with STG which all can easily scare maxim off.
We used to call Maxim OP like 4 years ago, but now? Simply L2P issue.
u clearly didnt watch the replay did u.
i remember there was a clip a while back after the IS change where 5 IS face charged a mg42 and it got death looped.
comments were yea the 260 MP unit should not be able to suppress 1.3k worth of MP. then when a 260 ally unit counters my almost 2k MP army then it becomes l2p issue??
wtf is this bias. |
WTF is with this unit, near the end of the replay u can clearly see that a 260 MP unit counters my almost 2k MP worth of army.
How on earth is this even balanced. Please nerf or buff OKW units.
we should be promoting offensive plays not encouraging static camping which ruins the game.
replay linked. skip to near the end to see how OP this unit is. |
maxim machine gun OP, refer to near the end of the replay |
the AVRE is fine as it is
if the AVRE had sturmtiger stats, UKF would be the highest winrate faction, straight up
u r right the AVRE have better stats than the sturm let alone the turret |
Does it mean that it deals damage up to 14 models? Could you please elaborate?
The issue is the range, amount of health and VET4 bonuses. With AVRE you atleast will see it most of the time, and it is also still somewhat inconsistent (see screenshots below "Example of undershooting AVRE"). It used to be high risk high reward unit. Seems like the "high risk" part was removed, while high reward part was not adjusted. For example it is still possible to build both ST and KT.
I asked few streamers (The Angry Dutchman, Jibber, Elpern, Siberian and Baoliang) and the answers were ranging from "batsh*t broken" to "extremely strong". I would not have created a thread, if there was an absence of consensus about the unit in the first place.
1. way to tanky (1440 HP at vet 2).
2. is able to shoot from the fog of war with selfspotting at vet4. At least with AVRE you can see where it is shooting.
3. It comes too early and already paired with a great doctrine that counters high hitpoint armor with HEAT rounds, making units like comet, t34-85, E8 etc less effective. And good luck even diving on that thing, considering how the game punishes such moves with mines, fausts and AT guns.
The unit is toxic and nerve racking to play against, especially vs double rax build. Nerve racking and toxic destroys the mood and I'd like to have fun while playing it.
This is similar situation like with ISU, that used to be completely broken (in teamgames including 2v2), except with ST you need to pay 5x attention during a game, or else you have a good chance of losing it.
Units that are in the conflict with the core idea of COH2 as an RTS (unit preservation) should not be highly effective or nowhere near meta, regardless of which faction owns one
So pretty much I'm ok with AVRE and ST at any level below OK and hoping a lot of people share my sentiment.
r u kidding me?? now we r taking about vet 4 vet 5 bonus?? how much baby sitting u gotta do to to even get the ST to that stage. if the enemy got a ST and KT u r prob getting roflstomped anyways, pretty sure having a ST and KT isnt the issue here. do u even have any idea how much pop cap a ST and KT takes??
srsly the ST is OP now?? |