When you have a feature that part of the community dislikes, only the unsatisfied part tends to come to the forums and complain. And this might give the erroneous impression that "everyone is against this".
So, just for the record: I for once am glad we don't have the vCoH basic matches. That was, IMHO, the worst part of vCoH. The community was segmented into all the different automatch modes, plus basic match, making the time to find a match punishing. If you wanted to play with a buddy, you were pretty much confined to basic match, as the automatch AT modes were deserted.
And that's when the problems started. Most basic matches were set up by a team of buddies, who tweaked the rules as to benefit their faction the most, and played always on a set map, with fixed locations, running a pre-determined "script" every game. Almost every basic match lobby consisted on a game with one team full of players and the other empty. Lots of annihilate games with only the Wehrmacht team filled up. Not to mention that host would often "select" the opponents, kicking anyone who didn't look like an easy win.
It was extremely annoying and it often would take me 30 minutes to start a game, and I'd play a lot of BS matches. Now it takes me less than 5 minutes. If what you care about is PLAY, rather than TALK, I pretty much prefer the current system. I acknowledge that there are things that can be made - a separated chat room where you could friend people and from there play with them could work. But seriously, if Relic ever reverts the matching system to that of vCoH, with lobby, basic matches and everything (which I don't think they will), then I might as well go back playing that game instead.
I for one used to have great fun hopping into a game of my choice. Some of my best memories with vCOH were on Annihilate games on Route N13 the constant back and forth, those games could last for a couple hours. I'm almost certain that a large portion of the COH2 community at launch were baffled at the fact COH2 didn't have a lobby system.
Basic matches just allow you to set up a game that you want to play. Not everybody wants to play an automatch and go all out try hard mode. Some want to just relax and play an Annihilation game or a 1000 point ticket game.
The casual players, I suspect are greatly turned off as they can only play automatch or invite a friend to a private lobby. And even then it's limited because the player in question might not have any friends that own the game. But because there is no chat system the player in question cannot ask others if they want a game. Thus, the player decides to go and relax on a different game instead.
I just don't see how people can say that the absence of the lobby system is a good thing. It adds stability and longevity to the community. But I guess it's just a matter of personal preference. I just think that adding a lobby doesn't harm anyone.