Let's say that having between 50-60 fps, one can have fun and perform great at this game.
Being a person of great influence on the Coh realm, you have a responsibility to be more objective then most. (Having great talents bring greater responsibilities.)
The magnitude of the performances issues are not enough to warrant the comments you have made. Coming from anybody else, i would'have care. Please, i beckon you to rectify your post.
I also think that you should take on the 1vs1 ladder and show how great you can be. It may take some time, but i'm pretty sure your place is at it's top !!!! No more excuses.
With you, it will bring the competition at a greater level and with it more player will play.
P.S. : I'm not related to Sega-Relic in any ways.
I'm just a coh2 player that want that game to grow and succeed.
Thank you.
Can't quite understand why you are attacking my 'skill' in this game when I merely stated that I didn't believe you were running the game at 50-60 fps... I never once attacked you in anyway besides stating IMO with a cpu with such low qualities, how can it run the game so smoothly... Lol and you also talk about your 'greater influence' in the community... This to me itself is something for me to just laugh at...