When I contributed to OCF I knowingly knew some of the money would be going to the ones whom run the event. IM all about supporting the community members that host events and stream the game itself. So imo im not sure why so many of the people are concerned about where the money goes, when their the ones whom didn't contribute in the first place, I know I sound a little salty there but it irks me when people are talking shit how this person or that person is taking the money. You make it sound like they are stealing or something, remember the people willingly contributed. Im done, GL in tourney and hf to all whom participates tomorrow!
existant420 |
steam alias - Existant
steam id - 76561198054004120 |
Ost don't need a t0 AT gun when they are the only faction that has a t1 snare without the need to upgrade, research or get vet.
Grens give ost enough stopgap till paks, it's fine how it is.
Ost isn't the only faction with a snare at the start.... Soviets get a 30 muni mine, so only faction... no. |
5 for von 5 for sib =] |
I so happened to be browsing 1v1's in spec mode, saw u two playing, watched this game, excellent game, didn't really see any out of the ordinary sighting or w.e. Dbmb did lose some stuff early game and made a nice little comeback. I feel dbmb could have won if he didn't lose what he lost early game, none the less, a hour long game was GG ill honor it, not as cheating but as a GG. WP |
actually I would, but seeing how the replay section is broken right now I think the guy would get more confused. I mean you cant even see player names in replay section... Kappa |
a replay would help, but he doesn't have to post it, his description of the game is well enough. and maybe he doesn't know how to post a replay seeing how its his 2nd post? |
this is good, JUST NDA, surprised a certain mod here didn't debate to take ur thread down. ALL FOR RELIC LOL |
take this shit down, NDA! |
Relic does this. They slowly lose their population in game, by doing things like this, the increase of losing players in getting rapid. Its okay though,Relic doesn't care if they lose long time supporters of the game. |