You have ram, modest AT, good AI, can force a retreat from any pure infantry. Cheaper than a P-IV, more versatile (and slightly cheaper) than a StuG, cheaper than an Ostwind. It's not really the mainline swan-off-by-itself vehicle that a P-IV or Ostwind can be but it's a good infantry support tank and a T-34 fleet can be really solid. Also, on the fuel cost - your alternative as a Soviet is basically either things without straight-up AI and with static turrets or the T-70 which is great but also can be killed by a teller mine or shreks.
@Ugbear - don't really see why ramming shouldn't be part of the tank meta. In particular, ramming is something you *don't* want to use a vetted tank for. You don't even really want to do it with an unvetted tank if it's avoidable.
1: Panzer IV is only 40MP/20fuel more expensive than a T-34/76, with every German player in game picking up the "Opel Blitz Truck"(unless they didn't reach level 45),20fuel difference is really neglectable.
2. In-terms of Anti-infantry role, the PZIV's main gun actually can do better than T-34/76, PZIV's scatter is 6, T-34/76 is 5.1, but PZIV got doubled Alpha than T-34/76, a good infantry support tank, PZIV can do that as-well..
3."T-34/76 fleet can be really solid", SAME as PZIV fleet, and PZIV will eat a T-34/76 alive in front of a Zis-3(literally), and PZIV can beat down a more expensive T-34/85 at ease.
3. T-34/76 do merely no damage vs. Stug III at front engagement, flanking maneuver is considered offensive movement, if you get hit by a single Panzerfaust or PG support, you are as good as dead.(even during a successful flanking maneuver, Stug III can took at least 5 shoot from T-34/76, which tooks at least 4*4.75=30s to finish off the stug III, ironically, stugs rear armor is slightly better than T-34/76's main gun penetration,that means 5 shoot-kill is just too ideal)
4. T-34/76 can beat a ostwind, yes, and ostwind can do decent amount of damage to T-34/76 as well, but do T-34/76 supposed to be damaged by a ostwind?
5. The entire soviet T3 will be smashed by any ostheer tank....Or you can say, why don't you go T4? So, what's the meaning of soviet T3? Paying 275MP/90 fuel to get a Quad-AA which AA capability is worse then the turret mounted MG42 machine gun? And, The first T-70 rush can be very annoying.......but 3min after that, nothing gonna pay off the 275/fuel investment....
6.My proposal is give the T-34 series a capability to stand its own a little bit, so that
a PZIV won't be able to eat a T-34/76 in front of a Zis-3, Or a PanzerIV won't be able to smash a T-34/85 frontally with half of the HP left......if they give the T-34 series proper performance as a "TANK" , then they can do something about the "Ram" ability, but right now, they are only exist for "Ram"
7. Again...... T-34 is just plain pathetic, really needs a tweak