Ok, since new patch just dropped... again Relic fuek up.
You can pick Elite armor and go for 8CP Sturmtiger. auto win game =D
I suck at using the sturm tiger. It seems like I can't hit anything usually when I use the rocket, the enemy usually moves away before it fires away..
Is there any tricks to using it lol. |
Hey guys,
Just got a replay here if someone can shed a bit of light for me as to what I should have done differently.
This is just a random 3v3, not with my usual mates.
But I am playing as the OKW up top, and just having a very hard time to contest for that VP point.
Would love some advice if that is possible.
Thanks very much.
https://www.coh2.org/replay/110451/3v3-3okw-vs-3ukf |
Hi guys, (sorry for title, should be 2OKW + 1wehr)
Would like some tips as to what axis could have done in this situation, in particular, I am playing as Firestorm up the top and just having a hard time breaking through.
Thanks |
It would help if we knew the skill bracket you're talking about here. Ppl entering 3v3 usually have a bit of experience with the factions already.
OKW 3v3 is harder than most ppl seem to realise. Or at least, if you don't want to use the BS/abuse stuff. And even those are exceptionally well known and notorious among Allied players.
Generally I would not build more than 4 squads in total (or 3 + kubel), which is what most ppl use unless they go JLI etc. My usual build is SP (starting unit) + 2 volks + kubel, but I can micro these very well.
I am level 12 for Soviets and arranged allies team. Yeah, I think I will limit myself to building 3 squads with the kubel, just haven't quite found the balance myself.
Try posting a match. I don't play OKW online anymore but I find Pf to be a pain in the ass to deal with.
For your build I suggest building the Kubel first to cap as much as possible quickly.
If you go with PF you have early snare for scout car/brit car. Maybe something like kubel/VG/ 2PF. Try to throw down as much sandbags as you can with volks to help out your PF until you get your G43 upgrade.
I usually use Kubel to harass first up. Since they usually have less squads around that time to gang up on the kubel and I can get some mp drain.
I will try find a match with my mate!
I can't say from the perspective of an OKW player, but I can say from a perspective of somebody who plays against OKW.
I hate:
a) Pfussies --> excellent run'n'gun, excellent damage, excellent vision, excellent utility. Downside is that they are weak early game (before G43), but they more than make up come lategame.
b) Kubels early game on open maps with low cover (Steppes kubel is OP in 3v3).
c) Spios charging to the frontlines instead of capping point by point. Only way you can win against spios charging is by standing still and already being in cover (rifles, conscripts, ISection; Not CEngineers or REchelons -> those 2 die either way)
d) King Tiger late game with Spearhead on 90% of 3v3 maps (it's a free buff with no downsides basically)
I am not quite used to using the KT yet. Is the idea to let it sit back, while other stuff is in front so that it can shoot from the back and be more safe? I feel I have been too aggressive with it and losing it since it can't get out of trouble like other soviet heavy tanks can.
as OKW in 3v3 You had to be a welltrained for 1v1 playstyfe.
Still, here is my tips:
1/ Kubel should be "must buy" unit since 3v3 map is big, It can deal enough damage so Sturm, Volk can push in. Typical build is kubel- volk - volk - truck - mg - and so on. Also kubel - sturm - volk and fast Truck is ok.
2/ most of the time You go Medic HQ, lay it in the place where can help your teammate as well.
3/ Again Pathfinder spam. try to hold green cover as much as you can. Or calling teammate for a big attack.
4/ About Commander pick: Overwatch is must have since it can counter everything. 2nd is elite armor for middile VP meat grinder and OP 70 range view Kingtiger. the last one depend on:
+ playing with friend: If they have heavy TD, heavy tank or heavy fire support then you can pick special op and OKW tiger, flame hetzer. If they go full arty and close the pocket thing then you go Jadtiger
5/ it's ok to buy MG34. It actually can suppress Inf unlike stupid Vicker and Maxim. keep it follow Volk, fussiler or any elite A move blob.
6/ build 2 raketten and dont A move them too much. that all
Good tips, thanks!
What would be the build if I want to incorporate the sturm officer in the build? kubel, volks, Pfussies x2, then sturm officer? |
This might sound a bit meme-ish, but it is a valid strat.
Most of 3v3 maps are rather big, so mobility is the key here. If you lose an encounter, then your units will have to sprint back across half the map spending a lot of time. So play around mobility!
Go with Overwatch for JLI or Luftwaffe for paratroopers & heavy emplacements.
kubel-kubel-kubel-upgrade for sturmpios-tech truck into mechanized - luchs + autorepairs - then it depends on the situation. I prefer to open with more infantry, but you can go MG or Raketen.
If you need a bit more firepower, go for early call-inf of JLI.
If you want to lock down a cut-off - put 20mm flak down.
Kubels do not bleed manpower, rather maneuverable, and they vet up rather fast when you use them togheter. Fisrt spread them to gain control, then bunch them up and bleed your opponents, sneak for cutoffs, outmaneuver your enemy.
3 kubels with a bit of micro can reliably kill clowncar. And if you lose them you can salvage their wrecks for a bit of fuel to speed up your LVs!
There are a lot of weaknesses like Vikkers, upgraded penals, you need to have a decent micro and so on, but it is super fun.
That is very interesting! I am not sure if I have enough micro to make it work, as I feel guards / AT gun will ruin this quite quickly if they notice so many kubels haha. I do like going Luchs + Raketen. |
Hi guys,
I decided to give OKW a go for 3v3s. It didn't turn out as smooth going as I thought 
Could you guys give me strong strategies for 3v3s as OKW, along with a teammate of Wehr?
I have the basic commanders + Overwatch which I bought.
I have been experimenting with Sturm Pio + 4 squads + kubel, but it seems very draining on the mp.
What build would be best against the allies as OKW?
Thanks |
Sort of no, in the context of 2v1ing anyway. Coordinated together, the con + engie can beat a sturm, but if the sturms get the drop...either way it's a dangerous proposition. Can't say I blame ppl for Penal openers, even if that leaves them very very vulnerable lategame.
Winnekendonk is a strange map but yes the fuels are very CQC.
Thanks for all the good responses so far guys.
I have been doing penal start, and it is giving me great opening indeed.
But yesterday, I have had 2 games where we fail to seal the victory, losing at 50 points and 14 points left of opponent. They just keep spamming obersedens and penals just die so quickly it became a joke.. I didn't choose KV 8 so couldn't really effectively counter.
I tried initially using t34 to crush and did work but then he adopted by mixing a volks so that it can faust, while his TD would destroy the t34 if it stays too long.
I tried Katusha also, but it only fires every so often and it is easy to miss since obersedens don't need to stay put to shoot.
Do you guys have any suggestion to close out the late game? (~level 12+) |
- open map: 3x penal blob with 1 guard and ISU-152
- urban map: 3x penal blob with urban defense doc
- works on any map: 3x penal blob with 1 guard and 120mm mortars
- open map: 3x pathfinders, always. Go for airborne doc here, not the recon support one
- urban map: those maps are tricky for USF, but standard riflemen play with zook rangers and calliope should work
Thanks, but I am slightly concerned about the lack of AT gun. I know penals have AT upgrade, but AT gun is more effective if they are kitting.
I usually go T2 for maxims/AT and motar if against wehr.
If you go t1, would you get a conscript as first unit? Or would you sacrifice the timings/ early map control for penals straight up? |
Hi guys,
Just wanted to know what strong allies strategies you guys are using?
I am the Soviet player, and have a mate who often uses USF.
Also, looking for a 3rd player that wants to play with us regularly as UKF.
Thanks. |
This x10000.
Personal build:
3x conscripts + 1x Engie + Molotovs
T1 building + flamer on first combat engie
Scout car (with flamer engie for killing MGs and stuff)
2x Conscipts
Tier 3 Building
T34 spam
Make sure you have 5-6 conscripts and a sniper out at all times, and just spam T34s as needed. You should have 75% map control at which point it's just a rofl stomp.
Go with the infantry doc. for PPSHs and 'Hit the Dirt' (secret god-mode). Upgrade the to PPSH on ALL conscript squads.
Congrats you now have an 80% win rate.
I think this may not be effective if the enemy goes for flamer halftrack. There are no AT counter until you can actually produce t34, and before that you are making 5-6 conscripts, sniper, scoutcar, excluding the cost for reinforcement.