Definitely watching it for the tanks. I remember watching "A Bridge too far" and wondering what German WW2 tank those Leopard I were supposed to represent. This was awkward.
Still I can´t help the feeling that the movie is going to have some frustrating stereotype shit in it.
The Tiger will of course lose to the Sherman. Choose one of the following:
1) The Germans get cocky and do something stupid.
2) Brad Pitt does a sacrifice to kill himself and the Tiger.
3) Brad Pitt has a super intelligent plan that would never work, but does work.
4) The Sherman just breaks the law of physics and destroys the Tiger without problems.
In "Saving Private Ryan" - also directed by Spielberg - socks were sufficient to get rid of one of the Tigers.
Either way... the Tiger won´t make it out alive in that movie.
The Leopard I did represent a Panther tank.
When you read IMDB closely, there will be actually 2 Tigers the shermans have to fight against. Well the hero of the movie, in this case the Sherman and its crew, will always win in the end. You can guess what will happen to the tiger.
Band of Brothers and especially The pacific are both series, which are more enjoyable to watch than Saving Private Ryan.