Well unfortunately everyone in the community bitched and whined about micro transactions and DLC and did your best to make Relic look bad for doing so. So guess what we got what community consensus seemed to want .....Relic not putting out new content frequently anymore. This community is so laughable and don't even think about what they post and realize it actually does effect the direction Relic takes in a lot of areas.
And then now here you all are starved for new content and patches but you all are the ones responsible for shutting down Relics ambition to support this game as a service and keep new content coming consistently.
Think about it.....
we affect this game even more so since it is such small community.
Please people you say you want the game to grow. You say you want it to be competitive. But everyone just spews hate and negativity on the forums and bash any direction Relic try to take no matter what it is. If you truly are a fan of this franchise and want to see it be succsessful we need to just stop with all that. Sure give the game constrcuctrive critism where it is due but do it in a manner that is mature and well thought out and also in a way that doesnt promote ill will towards the game and push new players away .
Think about it guys I think the biggest thing holding this game back is the negativity and hostility of the so called fans.
And now we can see the fruit of it all too.. Relic gone from weekly streams, monthly patches and frequent new content to enjoy to... silence and no new content or patches, we all have only ourselves to thank for that really too.
"Regret the day i bought this POS game. Not because of money coming out of my pocket but because it went in for supporting this shitty game and their devs."
A prime example is the ignorant child that just posted above me. Seriously could we get some moderation and just do away this crap in the forums? Lets change the tone?
Of-fucking-course people complained about new content. Half the new commanders released broke the game for weeks before relic did something. Tiger Ace, Industry, Assault Grenadiers...
Relic always sucked at suport, they left Dawn of war Winter assault broke, Retribution broke... how much time took to fix 3-shot-cloak, Kangaroo again? When they fixed M10 missfire or Puma Phase Shift?
Yeah, thats right, they never did, after 8 fucking years it's still broken.
People are upset because relic create great games, but they dont care about the community, they say they care, but actions speak louder than words.