This feature required re-work of the URL path which now looks completely different.
All the old links to the stats should be automatically redirect to the new format but make sure that from now on you share only the new links.
Thanks especially for going the extra mile to not make old discussions look idiotic because non of the links work anymore!
Great addition, being able to select data for a whole patch is really, really cool. |
As Sturmpanther said it would only become suspicious if it happens versus the exact same person multiple times
As zou said it is hard to "proof". Regarding that last point though I am having issues from time to time that my ISP derps out and does not send me any packages for multiple seconds. Often enough the game "reconnects" and catches up with the current state of the game, but if the disconnect is too long then I just get kicked out of the game entirely.
At this point it might just be a shitty connection as well... |
Hard to tell. We don't really know how suppression works. It seems to be checked on a per-model basis but applied on the whole squad once a threshold is reached.
Maybe the second squad was partially out of the AoE (which might happen if the MG gunner already targets a model right at the edge), so only one or two models filled up the suppression meter which was not enough to suppress quickly? The AoE is weaker than the main suppression. It's hard to tell without a screenshot, but I also would not be surprised if the AoE suppression were pretty buggy. Sometimes I had the same feeling you described as well. |
Pretty sure there's a long list of those we can address. Id rather lose a tank to that then any of the loiters, and this is a LOT more rare
I agree. But at least with the loiters it makes sense logically that they track and attack vehicles. And while it is completely random how and if they target/deal damage, a mortar shell sticking to a vehicle is not logical.
If it is an easy fix, it should be removed. If there is suspicion that the fix itself could cause other bugs, then leave it in. It will be a rare occasion as you say and even more rarely contribute to the killing blow. But when it does it would be quite shitty. |
I think this should be removed. It will just cause some weird RNG moments of the shell sticking to the tank and maybe generate a lot of frustration if that is what in the end kills it. If there is also no historic justification for sticky mortar shells, they should be removed. |
First ban is usually 1-2 weeks. I don't think there is a way to appeal it.
Also the bans are reviewed by hand. If he got banned, most likely there was a good reason for it. Flaming other players also can cause a ban, so if he really did not do any of the things you listed, it was probably due to flaming. |
Isn't it dependant on what squad crewed the at gun?
Reinforcement cost yes, reinforcement time I don't know, I assumed this stat belongs to the ATG squad itself. But still, even if the normal ATGs get nerfed, it would also be helpful. No one is going to decrew them first themselves. |
IF something has to be done, increasing soft factors such as reinforcement cost and reinforcement time are also possible. |
Should check my 2nd post.
First part: you will be met with the argument that the game is way cheaper or even free in some cases and the commanders are there as monetization system.
Second part: "the best one this game will ever get". I agree on what i said, it's just that i don't expect anything to change and i just explained why things are the way they are.
While buying everything separately is overpriced, isn't there a version which cost a normal AAA price and gives all factions, commanders, campgain and coop DLCs available?
The base game costs 20 Euros if not on sale on steam, not including any DLC. That's what Relic still deems their game to be worth. I personally find that quite expensive for the content and the age of this game. Then there is the "All out war edition" which only came across a couple of months ago (so it does not excuse the years before that). Afaik, it is not really available apart from third party key (re)sellers. I don't know about the current prices, last thing I saw some time ago was 10 or 15 Euros. This one is a good deal if you're buying it new. The issue with the base (=Steam) version is that the multiplayer experience is very limited since a lot of the replayability relies on commanders. If we assume you'd need about 3 additional commanders for each eastern and 2 for each DLC faction, that's 12 more commanders. Each commander costs about 2,50-3 Euros, which basically means Relic is asking for an additional >30 Euros. Even if you get the game including DLC factions for free or on sale for 5-10 Euros, that's a quite a price. And again, yes, All out war edition exists, but this pricing has existed even before that version and still exists today.
Regarding the second part: I apparently then misunderstood how you meant that sentence. I think the current system is shitty, that's all I wanted to get across. |
Because most people here have either been playing since game release, had been playing before the big compensation OR when they introduced a limit cap on supply gained on custom games (people afk farmed them with scripts).
Many commanders which were given for free at some point, are not available in all versions of the game. Therefore things like humblebundle versions or simil don't have even the most basic commanders. So this makes it impossible for veteran players to relate with the experience of someone "new" towards the game.
Same thing happens in other genres of games, although it's more understandable if they are F2P.
I didn't mean that they claimed it 5 years ago. This thread pops up every now and then, and even on the latest iteration of the loot system they were doing so. It might be that they unlocked all stuff before that and don't know the grind, but on the other hand it is not difficult to make a quick estimate of how long you need to play given the drop rate of supply, games for a reward and prices of commanders and considering that a normal game lasts anywhere between 30-60 minutes.
I also disagree that the current system is the best one. The commanders are heavily overpriced (unless making ~20 commanders requires the same amount of work as making a new AAA game). And they are supposed to be like that, because buying them with supply is not feasable. The base commanders are fairly limiting in play style, so the actual 'full' (not even meaning all commanders but a decent selection) game of CoH2 still costs quite a lot, especially for an 8 year old game. And the latest since Relic is not really involved into balancing anymore, the commanders cost them zero work and maximum profit. I don't mind paying for extra content if the content is worth it, but the discrepancy is huge here, even for a game I like as much as CoH2. |