If you don't want the match spoiled then stop reading now.
This was a real tough match that I thought would be fun to share. Random 2v2 match. I dunno if the Allies were a random pairing but I somewhat doubt it as I saw the pair twice in a row.
I've been trying to develop a good Dual Kubelwagon build for a while. The unit's undervalued I think and I have a fair amount of success with dual Kubels.
- Against M3A1s you can focus both Kubels and a Sturmpioneer to force it away.
- Against troops in green cover you can still suppress them with two Kubels focusing
- It's super hard to flank two Kubels
- They're really fun to use
- Once your Puma's out you're basically safe against armor.
The biggest issue is AT guns. AT guns are always a nightmare for OKW though. Walking Stuka's cooldown is a bit long to punish them and the Infantry Support gun is solid but unreliable. Instead I've been experimenting with the Sturmtiger.
This game was nightmarish. I felt like I played everything as well I as I could with the exception of the final flub where I lost like 3 pieces of armor in under 15 seconds. Fucking AT guns man. Anyone who says the US AT gun is bad is stupid as hell. So much range and vision is granted by that vet1 power. The Sturmtiger couldn't keep up with the 270 manpower monsters being spawned constantly. The M8A1 is so overpowered against infantry that it's impossible to keep your squads in good health while contesting the map and pushing the enemy AT guns away. I don't want to really write the Sturmtiger off.
Not to detract from Ginnuagap or SturmTigerGia's victory. They played well but I don't know how to counter that sort of force. In retrospect my Panther should have been a Jagdtiger but I don't think the Jagdtiger would have hit the field fast enough. Blast. Maybe the Jagdtiger would have been enough?
I'd make a guide for this strategy but my Graphics card is too weak to do videos right now so maybe later.