Just because the heat barrage has a lower near AOE radius, this doesn't mean it has less AOE damage. Keep in mind that the 120 damage is 40 more damage than the 80 normal. This means that if they had the same AOE profile, at some radius X the normal barrage is doing 60 damage and not killing model while the heat is doing 90 damage and killing models.
Looked everything up and calculated it.
They don't have the same AOE profile, which is why I asked Cruzzi.
The heat barrage would only do more damage if it fell directly on someone (near damage). With the damage multipliers for mid and far ranges it would be slightly worse than the normal (buffed) barrage.
Heat barrage (with bugged 120 damage):
near: 120*0.85=102
mid: 120*0.15=18
far: 120*0.05=6
Normal (buffed barrage):
near: 80*0.85=68
mid: 80*025=20
far: 80*0.1=8
As you can see, the normal barrage slightly outperforms the heat barrage at anything past near, which isn't that common. So if you wanted more consistent damage, the recommendation would be to use normal barrage always. The point is redundant with the fix, but I thought it to be an interesting question, which is why I asked. Here is the answer after checking everything

(If I made a mistake somewhere, please let me know).
Mithiriaith beat me to it!
We are about to deploy a hotfix to address the issues people have been running into.
Thanks all for reporting problems,
Thanks for the really fast fixes.