Team name: Dawnstar
My username on COH2.ORG: SunAngel
My in-game name on Steam: SunAngel
My partner's username on COH2.ORG: Golradaer
My partner's in-game name on Steam: Golradaer

Thread: Sign-ups for the SNF Beta 2v2 Tourney 18 Apr 2013, 22:04 PM
Team name: Dawnstar My username on COH2.ORG: SunAngel My in-game name on Steam: SunAngel My partner's username on COH2.ORG: Golradaer My partner's in-game name on Steam: Golradaer In: Events Central |
Thread: Soviet Unit Guide18 Apr 2013, 22:00 PM
you forgot to mention that T-70 can use recon mode, disabling it's main gun but highly increasing it's sight range I'll fix that and add in its auto-repair. In: Guides |
Thread: Bugs to Fix18 Apr 2013, 03:57 AM
Haven't watched the replay, but are squads not freezing when they are out of cover/not near a fire? If a squad is in any type of cover, its temperature won't decrease (although it won't go up either). I have noticed the issue with fire pits, and I believe they're working on the AT gun fix. In: Replays |
Thread: Golradaer vs SunAngel (54 Minute Skirmish)16 Apr 2013, 00:49 AM
Epicly long 54 minute game with combined arms Soviets against infantry-heavy Germans. And Tigers. Many Tigers. A battle between brothers. Who will be the victor? Quick Description: Early game Grenadiers beat back a quick 4-Conscript rush with HMG baiting and strong placement, followed by a defensive Soviet force trying to hold out against the mobile German infantry. The German's defensive flame halftrack cut out any chance for Conscripts to backcap cutoff points and put pressure on the Soviet weapon teams. With little fuel, the Soviet builds tier 4 and pumps out an SU-76 to beat back the German HMG and halftrack, barely getting enough breathing room to take points and hold a VP. And then a Tiger comes out. How strong is a defensive Soviet Tier 4 force with weapon teams against the brutal onslaught of Tigers, Grenadiers, Panzergrenadiers, and a 3 Veterancy Pioneer squad? Post-game Thoughts: A lot of Soviet players (like 95% of the people that post on the beta forums) have trouble with German flame halftracks. They're difficult to counter early on if the German player uses it defensively, avoiding two or more squads of Conscripts at once. Although it takes a lot of map control away from the Soviet player, its cost and use can betray the German player into thinking that they do not need any other unit to deal with infantry or weapon teams. A well-placed AT gun can deny it the ability to kill your weapon teams or move in on your base, and a good trap with hidden Conscripts and an AT gun can spell the doom of the halftrack (something I almost accomplished at the top left VP). If it can't be killed easily, try not to waste units trying to reclaim territory unless you can do it safely; the German player will simply retake it after your squad is dead, and you don't get any greater income for it (the manpower increase is used to build another squad anyway). A better plan is to wait until you can get out some type of tank or artillery that can chase it down once it has been AT grenaded. Kholodny is a map that gives a large advantage to mobile forces that can backcap and flank with ease. However, the endgame is typically about holding VPs, not trying to add to your already large army size with extra fuel or connecting resource points. A defensive force will typically have an advantage in the lategame, especially with holding the top VPs that are incredibly close together. This game shows the power of Tier 2 and Tier 4 Soviets as the game continues, as well as the high mobility of a German infantry force and its ability to conquer the early and midgame with the veterancy to survive through the lategame. Even pushed back to their base, a surviving defensive force can return blows as heavy vehicles enter the mix. In: Replays |
Thread: T2 start15 Apr 2013, 22:10 PM
It really depends on what the Soviet is doing. If they do a constant stream of flamers in HT's mixed in with a few Conscripts then a fast AC would work fine. It's quite simple to determine whether or not the German player is doing some kind of T2 rush. If they're completely giving up map control and you've only seen 1 or 2 pioneers, the most logical option would be to upgrade AT grenades and get maybe a single scout car instead of two, then tech to t3 or t4. Scout cars counter PGs pretty hard, unlike Grenadiers, and there is nothing stopping the Soviet player from rushing the scout car into the German's base once the conscripts double AT grenaded the German AC. Even if the German player doesn't rush an AC with their T2, scout cars counter PGs (no panzerfaust, a single panzershrekt doesn't do enough damage to disable the car before the PGs have to retreat). In the time it takes for the German player to get out enough forces to reasonably counter the Soviets, they'll have teched to T34s or SU-76s, both of which counter PGs, ACs, and the SU-76 counters AT guns, not to mention Conscripts and Engineers with flamethrowers will counter AT guns by themselves. Especially in 1v1, fuel is an important resource, and when one player has both fuels or most of the map, their first tank will come out earlier than the other player will be able to deal with it appropriately. Giving up early map control means giving up a massive fuel income |
Thread: Round 3 SunAngel/Golradaer vs Barton/NTD Game 214 Apr 2013, 20:54 PM
SunAngel/Golradaer as Soviets vs Barton/NTD as Germans! Conscripts, Shock Troops, and Scout Cars. How would you counter them? In: Replays |
Thread: Round 3 SunAngel/Golradaer vs Barton/NTD Game 114 Apr 2013, 20:53 PM
SunAngel/Golradaer as Germans vs Barton/NTD as Soviets! Was the German Tier 2 rush worth it? Is waiting for tier 4 stronger than a quick tier 3? Is conscript spam easy to counter? This game may provide some insights. In: Replays |
Thread: Round 1 SunAngel/Golradaer vs WhiteFlash/Caliber Game 214 Apr 2013, 20:51 PM
SunAngel/Golradaer as Soviets vs WhiteFlash/Caliber as Germans! We're fairly confident in our Soviet play. How do you feel about our counters and infantry usage? In: Replays |
Thread: Round 1 SunAngel/Golradaer vs WhiteFlash/Caliber Game 114 Apr 2013, 20:49 PM
SunAngel/Golradaer as Germans vs WhiteFlash/Caliber as Soviets! I used a fast tier 2 strategy as Germans throughout the tournament as a way to preemptively counter Flamethrower Engineers in Scout Cars. Was it worth it? In: Replays |
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