General Information
Register Time: 20 Nov 2012, 02:18 AM
Last Visit Time: 3 Jul 2024, 00:33 AM
Steam: 76561198001150408
Residence: United States
Nationality: United States
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
Game Name: swiffy
Alright let's change gears here. What I want to know is... who are the best players that no one knows about. In other words, who in the lifetime of coh, would you put on a list of the top players even though they weren't active in the community for long, and didn't become popular?
Thank you ami for actually responding. What I'm observing is that you consider modern coh to be about 2.3 and later, even though that makes up most of coh's lifespan. I actually feel the same way, it's just kind of strange.
I'm curious what everyone thinks about this. What does top player mean in this particular instance? It means who was the most dominant for their time. I understand if you don't think that's the right definition for top player, but humor me here. For example, nystrom and golradaer would be near the top of the list, even though they wouldn't be able to compete with today's top players. Don't worry about order.
Given how there are two people in a 1vs1 game you can't win based on your strength alone and to think you can is overwhelmingly stupid.
I assumed that was a given and didn't need to be stated. I was referring in particular to the difference between skill, luck, and other outside influences.
I appreciate the responses to my comment. I was implying that I would rather win with my strength alone. I don't want my opponent's help. It's a personal preference, and of course not something I would impose on anyone else.
I've been criticized for quitting games too early and not giving myself a chance to come back. In reality, I'm just reading the game out to the end. The more experienced you are, the earlier you can see the outcome become clear. Do you know where the comebacks come from??? RNG
sai is the internet identity of Fujiwara no Sai in the show called Hikaru no go. The show is centered around the game of Go, a game in which sai has mastered. Like sai, I am unbeaten, and intend to stay that way as a tribute to the name.