So what do you specifically don't like about them exactly, I'm curious. I mean you can see our opinions about the UKF above, as for the USF I personally think that they should get heavier armored tanks in order to go toe to toe with the German heavies, an M4A3A2 Sherman Jumbo would be nice to act as a meatshield for Jacksons and overall be a breakthrough tank for the USF which would not be limited to only 1 like the M26 Pershing, another 2 additions which I would like to see are the M36B1 Slugger which was based on the Sherman hull but still retained it's Jackson turret and 90mm gun, and a Sherman Crocodile, as an alternative to the 105 Sherman.
And I really do think that the Calliope and Crocodile, if ever added, should be able to fire their main weapons like in real life with a toggle, similar to the KV-8. For the Calliope it could on a bit longer timer so you can't instantly switch into artillery mode and fire in a split second.
Riflemen are too expensive for their capabilities, reduce cost to that of volks or buff them a little bit. Having access to 2xBAR is not an argument for their high cost because that requires a ton of muni and it also requires teching. They only outshoot Volks at point blank, right where Volks have early access to incendiary, their moving accuracy is really not a significant item at .6 when volks are .5 and just sandbag, where you lose a rifleman if you close, Volks are effectively better core infantry at cheaper cost in a faction with a non fucky teching order. I think it would make more sense to buff them in some way instead of cost reduction and further avoid more homogenization of the game, maybe buff moving accuracy to something actually significant like .9 or higher DPS at mid range. Buff the Stuart or give it a cost reduction. All the other stuff is fine. I think the teching structure of USF is retarded but I don't have any good ideas of how to fix/improve that.
USF and Brit are complete trash. |
I've played 4v4 against these players before a couple times and had sync errors against them numerous times when the match starts tilting away from them. Dunno if there is any way of checking if this is on purpose?
Players names are
La Leggenda della Niucola D'oro
I know its just 4v4 and it doesn't matter too much, its just really irritating none the less.
Anyone else having massive lag issues since the last patch? I'm in NA, have very fast internet, I run the game on lowest settings.
I've always experienced a bit of delay from when I give a command to when it is executed by the unit (most noticeable late game when there are a lot of units doing stuff all at once), but since the last patch the game has become unplayable.
IE In base, early game it now takes over 3 seconds from when I click on a rifleman to pickup a BAR from the rack to when it actually moves into motion and goes over to the rack and gets one. This is 100% of the game now, I do experience other weird lag issues like a sound will occur (like a machine gun firing) but instead of one sound, its like 100 machine guns all firing one slightly after another, or the game will just freeze for 10 seconds, or I will tell a unit to retreat and it will just stand there with the little "!" over its head frozen in time forever, until something comes a long and kills it. |
I experience delay in following commands like that for every single command I give, since the last patch it's gotten much worse though. I can push "T" for retreat over and over and the unit will not respond and just die, or the little "!" will appear above it's head and not move, and die. I notice this is worse when there is a player who loads significantly slower than the others. Playing people in Russia/Far East is basically impossible because of this enormous lag. |
Mortar nerfs? What mortar nerfs? USF mortar appears to be wiping units with the first 2 shells fired. |
Their bread and butter arty is fine. Major arty is nothing significant either way in terms of good or bad and is entirely useable and relatively inexpensive. USF gets the fastest arty in the game with the I&R pathfinders too.
The one thing that needs to be looked at is the Calliope, it was nerfed into oblivion and its cost remained the same. No one uses this unit anymore. |
Panzer IVs were upgraded to 3.15" (80mm) effective thickness in 1942 with the G model. The Wehr PIV looks like a G, the OKW looks like a H, which had further armor upgrades on it's turret, applique, shurzen. |
I would love to see win rate stats if anyone still collects them.
In 1v1, OKW seems ok. In 4v4 they are atrocious though....completely painful to play there.
I think most people agree that OKW was OP before the patch, I think most of this could have been remedied by the Forward Base nerf and leaving the rest as it lay. With the Forward retreat causing the most grief in larger matches giving a very significant early advantage.
OKW seems to have no point where they are at an advantage now, with weaker early, mid and late games than any of the Allied factions.
Wehr is still fine in 4v4 which chalks up to their great support weapons. OKW on the other hand has the worst MG (MG34), worst indirect (leIG) and worst AT (Rak). Their infantry are mediocre and their tanks are easily beaten by allied TDs because of the range issue. With the vet nerfs they never get up to speed.
OKW success seems to hinge on 2 things within 1v1 and 2v2, and that is making big plays with either the FlakHT or P4. You have to make these two vehicles really count within the first minute or two of their arrival or else you are done for. This is unreliable and it doesn't feel like the faction has the ability to organize a tactical game of reliable advance if you choose correct tactics and micro well, this is the only faction that feels this way imo. JP4 is a fine TD, but it is still the most disadvantaged TD. Panther doesn't know what it is. Obers tend bleed more MP than they take away from the opponent. Raketen is impossible to vet or keep alive, it is the only AT weapon that fears unsupported tanks more than tanks fearing it. Absolute garbage AT unit. leIG has gone from OP to something that you are lucky to get more than 1 kill with per match, as a tool to dislodge things it functions too slow, often you can barrage an MG position 3-4 times before it moves or retreats.
IMO the December patch went way to far in nerfing them and went too far in buffing Allies in general. |