You dont need to bet, if you find that CoH2 MP was better then vCoH one, or you never played vCoH, then CoH3 will be subpar for you.
CoH3 wont be like CoH2, it might share simularities, but it will be much closer to the vCoH. Not because they used the ideas of vCoH, but even because Relic acknowledged that vCoH was a better game and they should look at it for insparation.
Since this thread has gone off the rails...
What about Coh3 makes it feel like vCoh?
I thought top 1v1 players wanted a commander system closer to vCoh so it was not so predictable. They do not want players to be able to know that at minute 4, unit X will arrive. Having branches in the tech tree lets you have more options. This could be great for tournaments if the tech trees dont suck and therefore become predictable.
vCoh point system? WhiteFlash has been begging for this for years to help balance maps better. Make areas worth something if you go there. I never had issue with the Coh2 system since it made sense that every map will have the same exact number of points. Unless its a WF map of course But the vCoh system may have map timings all be different. Maybe that is good???
What am I missing?