The biggest gripe I have is people leaving matches in team games, oftentimes right after the match starts. I've played several matches where someone leaves and causes an avalanche of disconnects, meaning you don't get anything for the "win" and the round is over before it even gets good.
Maybe have a League-style penalty system? Where if you leave a game you have to wait twenty or so minutes to find a game next time you automatch.
The problem is in team games you can tell pretty quick if your team is horrible. So drops are necessary so you do not waste 40 minutes watching your team getting rekt.
How many times do you see people:
1. who do not rush the fuel.
2. engrs are sitting in base until MG comes out.
3. three team mates are all capping the same point at the same time.
4. only makes engrs and puts a fuel cache on the first point they capture.
5. etc
6. etc
You can tell in under 2 minutes how badly you are going to lose. And as an experiment I have dropped out of multiple games and my win rate did not change. If anything it improved. Probably as you stated other players dropped? Or perhaps the game/RNG is rigged and it rewarded the players on my team? Or perhaps I am just that bad? Either way my point is you have a better chance of climbing the ladders in a 4v4 if you do not play at all #EsportsReady.
EDIT: If anything the ladder system needs some work. I have games where I double/triple everyones kills and score but my team sucks so I drop 200 spots.