Cut the bullshit with semantics, I'm not vipper and I'm not going to get dragged into that.
Panther funcionality in game is TD.
It does not do it by outranging tanks, but outlasting them.
Anything above that is symptom of mental disorder.
What a load of utter rubbish . No IT IS NOT A TANK DESTOYER. A tank destroyers role is to be at the back line taking long range shots at the enemy. That is it's primary purpose. Does the Panther do that?
NO Does it have the range of a TD?
NO, Does it at least have good vision?
NO, so is flat out not a tank destroyer.
The only thing the panther has is HP and Speed. IT IS A CHASER TANK ... with no moving accuracy bonus. Don't give me that crap about outlasting .. is the IS2 a tank destroyer as well ? Is a Tiger a tank destroyer ? They can both outlast them... Any fool can see the Panther is not a TD so stop calling it one.