I just came from HelpingHans' stream.
I heard about this whole drama from him 10 minutes ago. He's always been my favourite CoH2 player and streamer.
And I think he's in the wrong here. I didn't even need to read this forum letter. Through his behaviour he's convinced me of his fault.
I have no doubt he is one of the best CoH2 players and arguably understands the game better than anyone.
But he is behaving like a child. He seems to have no concept of empathy of honour here. Let alone intellectual property law.
In regards to his actual offence:
If he had cast the game at a later date I would understand. He would be adding his expert opinion to a pro game. He would not take viewers away from the live broadcast. And he would direct people who were not already aware of the tournament to view the live broadcast next time.
Instead he broadcast the event live and excused himself with the self-entitled view that he does more work and contributes more to the CoH2 community than the people who organised the tournament.
But ultimately that's not what turned me against him.
I decided to watch his stream tonight to unwind. Instead I get to listen to him abusing chat for (largely respectfully) disagreeing with him. I believe "fuck you" and "go die" were thrown around.
A year of my respect for HelpingHans, garnered through his expertise and entertaining videos has been destroyed in mere minutes. He demonstrated a blatant and childish disregard for reality which prevents him from considering anything but his own self-pity. It is with regret that I will no longer be subscribing to his twitch. I am deeply disappointed by his attitude, and I hope he develops some level of introspection in the future.
The fault does not lie solely with HelpingHans.
All that said, I also believe Stormless and the other organisers/casters had a way to attempt a more peaceable resolution to this than posting it on the CoH2 forums. The post may have been more justified if they attempted a personal conversation with HelpingHans first. I don't know whether this happened... It would reassure me if it did. If Hans still refused to admit the error with integrity then I believe this post is entirely justified.
I would just like to stress the fact that the first information I received on this matter was from HelpingHans himself, he has always been my favourite CoH2 streamer... and I do not support him in this.