Just use incendiary rounds right after regular shot ans soviet snipers will be killed in 2 seconds (time delay between regular and incendiary shot). |
It sounds niche, Panzergrens will be quite like Sturmpioneers (Even though, Sturmpioneers are pretty much slightly weaker PGs). I still like the idea of Ostheer being able to construct something like repair station, probably buildable by Pioneers upon reaching vet 1 (Maybe 150MP/25 fuel each, it can just be a bunker that spawn out repair pioneers if you don't have the model for the concrete bunker)
IMO if Wermaht got such ability (repair for PG or repair bunker) in their stock units it will be not fair to soviets (if we consider only EFA factions), as soviets can repair vehicle by cons and repair stations ONLY in doctrine. Only if make new commander with such abilities for Wermaht. But i would like if OST have repair bunker like in coh1, but we must think about balance too. |
I think it would be not bad to think about new abilities instaed old useless for EFA factions (OST and Soviets).
"Flare mine" - it can stay only for engineers
Conscripts vet1 ability it would be passive "Fast building" - increase speed of sandbags and mines (Tank hunter doctrine) building to increase defensive ability of cons.
"Cap point" - T-34,IS-2,KV-1,KV-8,KV-2,T-70. Only one unit have this ability in right place and this happy one is T-70.
T-34 - i thought about ability to "Repair engine" - crew will be repair engine and tank can't do anytihing else in this time, also crew will be high vulnerable (like ability to reair crits in ST doctrine). From one side it will increase of usefull of Ram and vige you chance to rescue your tank. From other side unaccurate usage will be hard punish, one penetration and you tank was abandoned or will had chance to fully destroyed (even if health maximum).
IS-2 - 2 variants. 1 - "throw RGD grenade" from hatche (historically accurate, IS-2 crew could throw grenades from hatches and holes to defend tank). 2 - "Concrete piercing shot" like ISU-152 have (historically unaccurate, because IS-2 had only AP and HE rounds, but very good fit with tole of IS-2 as breakthrough tank).
KV-1 - boost aura for infantry to fit with soviet combined army style.
KV-8 - "Wall of fire" ability similar to btit Centaur, it will give you opportunity to fill area with fire.
KV-2 - i don't know exactly, but it can be "Concrete piercing shot".
Very one ability that useless it "Medkit" from grenadiers. All OST smart players build medbunkers for healing. Ability to heal at ammo is awfull for such ammo starve nation like OST.
2 variants:
Passive "Increased range of sight" it will give OST more knowledge about battlefield.
"Emergency Aid" - you can rescue 1 wounded soldier (guy that crawling on the ground and only Axis factions) and return him to squad of grenadiers, ability must be had timer (like USF crew have) and can be interrupt by enemy fire (wounded soldier will die in such case and you lost ammo). IT will increase durability of grenadiers.
You can offer your variants of abilities and units (maybe i missed someone).
I need to speed-up my computer. What everything I can do (without buying new LOL) in order to speed it up ?
(What files I can remove and what everything else I can do).
You can manually speed up PC using overclocking. Also the more less programms in autoload (torrents, downloads managers, spellcheckers, and e.t.c) then better (programms that loads with your OS). Try not saved in your working desktop any files, use for that your hard disk (not system disk). Turn off all advanced interface features for OS (opacity, animation and other stuff), then interface will be look like WIndows XP style. On your system hard disk must be only system files and programms, not movies, video and other media files (use for your files another separate hard disk). GOld rule- one hard disk for system and programms and another for fun. |
Conscripts, they models have very cool details. OKW obersoldaten with infrared stg, they looks like stormtroops from Star Wars). |
What about ability that will works like "Radio net" from sherman? More squads of cons more stronger effect will be (just thinking about limit of squads when effect not will be grow anymore). From one side this will do cons effective only in masses and useless one by one (like Relic want to see cons - masses infantry), from other side such blob will be vulnerable to MG, rocket artillery and will be weaker when one squad of blob retreating. |
Maxim was made to be an offensive weapon.
Yea and M3 was made to carry infantry inside, but sniper can't go in for sake of balance. Time changed. Now maxim it's defensive tool. Because as offensive it's will give us maxim cancer tactic - more maxims for glory of maxim God! I tried played in such style it's absolutely stupid and in right hands very hard countered (player with equal skill can't properly counter this tactic). IMO maxim should get personal soviet teleportation tool like germans have. |
MG must be defensive and area denying tool not offensive. Offensive MG it's LMG or guntrack with quads. Main problem with maxim it's that core infantry of SU - conscripts are too weak in comparsion to grens and volks, that was a reason to build only maxim's instead cons. But IMO penals are good, with AT satchels they can fully replace cons as core infantry (it's weird because penals are "elite"), their AI capabilities are pretty solid (without PTRS guns). Also they very good for late game phase where cons absolutely trash. For more aggresive offensive try to use shocks. |
SU-100, SU-122, ISU-122, BM-31 (300 mm Katy), soviet marines and paratroopers, t34-57, replace kv-1 with is-85. German light armor TD's, nebelwerfer. |
How about to give cons "To the last man" ability like penals have? Replace this stupid "Flare mine" ability. |