PPSHs are underwhelming and often a downgrade on open maps. Replacing them with SVTs would go a long way towards making some of the more underwhelming commanders viable.
while that is true, i think the real issue with the ppsh package is that mobilized reserves is almost always the better choice. the only advantage over 7 man cons is that it is available a bit earlier, but now that this timing window got narrowed even further, there's just no reason to pick ppshs anymore.
maybe a slight buff to survivability might be all that is needed to make ppsh cons a viable alternative once more. their dps at close range is still more than adequate after all, just getting there could be made a little less punishing (e.g. by 5 - 10% lower RA). that may not be enough to make them competitive on open maps, but it's ok for the upgrade to remain somewhat situational... I wish more commander abilities were about providing options instead of offering flat-out superior solutions.