Need to put the date that this data was captured, at the very top, and what patch.
Great analysis, but as stated above doesn't account for other factors like what map, state of cheese present in the game. Could be useful as a litmus test for the state of balance, but the game will need to be in a state of stability I would think.

this is chart from games only between top players. this is from an excellent article by Siphon X.
NOTE that this data is from "24th May to the 21st June, 2016". Before the patch.
But if you remember the coh2chart before the patch, it pretty much showed perfect balance (identical win rates) on 1v1 top 250. So I guess the win rates on coh2chart is not accurate view of the real balance by a big margin.
So if this data is from a previous patch what does it imply about current one? |
To all, especially to Katitof: I have foretold it, which is proved by the statistics how bad the patch was for the Germans ... and how good it where for USF.
There is no durable fakt more, you can make ... Germans were massively nerfed.
Big thanks to Relic...u failed once again....once again since British forces release.
OKW is blobbing?? Oh..thats OP.
USF is blobbing?? Thats fine.
Why the hell get my skill massivly stronger when i play allies?? Magic?? Or is that the better faction for me??
No..its cause u need less skill and less micro to play with allies.
Blobb rifles > win
build bofors > win
Sorry for my bad isn`t my native language.
im out..playing allies...german factions are to masochistic.
I think the massive loss ratio in a large part can be explained by any OKW or OST player worth his salt will not touch these faction with a barge pole considering how OP USF are with the broken T0 mortar and the combined arms bug.
This pretty much leaves Axis players who
a) don't care about ladder position
b) don't know the game is in a broken state
c) all playing allies right now
d) aren't the highest quality axis players to begin with.
Myself last time I checked (before this patch) was in the top 200 OST for 1v1, will not go near them in this current patch. mainly due to USF, FYI |
Some good discussion about the OKW here, it has definitely given me alot to think about.
In particular 1 point
Does anyone care that T1 is nonexistent? Are there any top 100 OKW that consitantly open with T1? |
Two points:
1) Right at the beginning with original OKW design it was fine because the teching system was quite different, so it didn't really matter. Also t2 was pretty much dead, you would always go t1 first. It wasn't and issue then.
2) After the rework: Just because no one complained about it did not mean that it was an issue. It was still incredible annoying to backtech to a useless tier if going t2, just to get healing. The difference between OKW and other factions (like British) is that teching is incidental to healing- ie. you don't tech to t1 to upgrade to healing packs, you tech to t1 because you can't win a game playing only t0. THe only reason you teched as OKW was to get healing, so you are essentially paying a ridiculous price just for this.You also forget that before this patch, you could just get panzerschrecks on volks, so it did not matter that you had no puma. Now you have no puma and you have massive issues countering light vehicles. The problem with that is that you have no healing.
It should also be said that when repair and healing was free it actually increased your flexibility a fair bit. Now you pay 200 MP and 30 fuel to get both, which slows you down. Buying repair is hardly ever worth it because it delays healing even more. Not having healing is actually incredibly crippling to your infantry, because you are basically hoping to lose models to regain health. Otherwise you cannot compete with allied infantry who all have healing available from a much earlier stage.
Basically, it did not matter before because t1 was not as useless because you could counter light vehicles with volks. Backteching was annoying, sure, but it was not as difficult to overcome as it is now. Its just a limitation which is still there because of initial faction design. This has changed so much now to the extent that the limitation is completely arbitrary. There is no good positive reason why healing should be locked behind tech, and I think it is one of the biggest things holding back OKW atm.
Alternatively you could of course buff the units in t1 (so basically the flack halftrack) and change its role maybe to one where it slightly counters light vehicles. The problem is atm that the unit is incredibly fragile and by the time you get it, its counters (AEC and Stuart) are basically out. Its ok against the soviets though because it actually does reasonably well against a t70, although it is quite easy to catch out with at granades. The problem with this approach is that it might make t2 obsolete.
Anyway, I don't see how you can currently argue against this stupid restriction on healing.
Make T1 viable. My problems with OKW can easily be overlooked if you give me a choice in how I snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
P.S it doesn't have to be a buffed flak ht to make T1 viable. Will take almost anything at this stage to give some variation to the meta.
Volks are extremely powerful right now. Losing them late game is punishment. Squad survival is rewarded. How is a Soviet player supposed to get cons to vet 3 when they get wiped after the 10 minute mark? Meanwhile they feed out vet. I have not found volks vetting too slowly at all. If you miss healing you are free to drop med kits, remember many OKW units (including volks) get healing with vet so you only need to do this for a short period of the game.
Obers are expensive, you need at most 1 squad. In some games you may not even need them. They exist for a specific reason, dealing with elite infantry behind a cheaper infantry unit. Their vet prevents their price from decreasing. Some of their vet levels are insanely good and they have a huge range of abilities. They truly reward excellent play.
Sturms probably have too much on their plate, but the fear of light vehicles eating up OKW without the shrek is at least reasonable to me. Until such time as another solution is found they will need to hold the shrek. Having said that, they can easily reach vet 5 now, and at this point they can function as almost instant repair stations for any tank.
MG34 is fine, plays well, and fills its role. It is a cheap, static, MG capable of controlling blobs and letting volks chew threw them with upgrades.
Wow finally a decent reply that isnt vitriolic and full of bad comparisons.
Right now as you mention sturms do alot so much to point I loath the need to pump out volks to help maintain cap pressure. Sturms seem to offer more then volks, unless it is a garrison heavy map.
You do however make it seem that T1 is irrelevant, is this acceptable for an entire tier to be at best, it seems, a back tech option? Is there a way to make T1 relevant into the meta without pissing off fans of every other faction? |
Except for the part where 50% of units in Soviet T1+T2 are just included in OKW T0 and OKW have more so called "Elite infantry" types that Soviets. Talk about variety.
It's not like all infantry play is instantly removed once light vehicle hits the field.
And by the way, how luchs/puma rush is different from rushing Stuart/AEC/T-70/222/M20 everytime?
I think you're trying to oversimplify current OKW meta.
IMO new OKW meta is combined arms, just like Soviets (as you already said in the beginning).
I'd say " I struggle to find my ways without my trusted Volks blob and stalling into KT without light vehicle play"
This not a complaint of light vehicle play, for OkW however you must RUSH luchs/puma or not get the desired effect, namely forcing your opponent on the back foot long enough for heavier vehicle play.
I just want options that doesn't require to rush the luchs/puma. Why cant I build T1 and contest well enough to transition into a true mid game puma, or if I'm doing really well into a JP4/p4.
What reason is there to stop OKW from having a useful T1? If you can think of another way to mix up the meta to not be reliant on a vehicle rush I am all ears. |
You're right. If only OKW had access to HMG and infantry call ins so you can replace these Volks late game...
Oh wait.
At least get your facts straight. In its concept OKW design if fairly similar to SU.
This topic should have been named: I struggle to find my ways without my trusted Volks blob, rant.
Yes SU the same as OKW, except for the part where SU has alot more varied options.
The blob needed to go I agree with that. The result though instead of having the ugly blob meta, and the light vehicle rush you are now left with the one choice.
You can honestly not be a fan of luchs or puma rush everytime?
Now you know the SU struggle with conscripts.
I can't wait for you to tell me otherwise.
You are correct cons have always suffered from this problem, but as with the latest state of the game the SU is in the best shape it has ever been in, to deal with it. Commanders to increase their flexibility, late game utility over Volks (reinforce other squads), hell even the option not to use them at all.
The problem with OKW isn't just because Volks are under performing late game, its due to the lack of options in the current meta. OKW has always been limited in choice of meta you can go with, it used to be hold out for Obers and panther tanks, and with the current state, a light vehicle rush into tanks.
Infantry is the weak link in giving OKW more choice with the current meta. OKW's infantry is over extended, including Sturms, a more defined role for these units is needed to correct it. If Volks are a stepping stone to Obers, position Obers so Volks can be that stone. Making Sturms so useful almost makes Volks a liability. If it wasn't for that snare, why get them. Having Obers arrive so late makes them of limited usefulness almost to the point of redundancy.
Give OKW options, don't force me to use call in infantry and vehicle rush. If changing Volks gives me more options, do that, if bringing Obers into the meta does it, do that. Anything that gives OKW more choice in meta will go along way to making this faction interesting. |
OKW would be in a bit better spot if the timing of Obers was tweaked a bit like what Miragefla does in his mod - right now they almost always face an uphill battle against vetted infantry. It was okay back at launch when they came stock with MG34 w/ insane damage but after all the nerfs... meh. Ideally you'd hope that they would have timing closer to that of PZ Grens now.
This is my big concern with Obers they arrive to late and are usually up against vetted infantry, is shifting obers to T1 to much of a game breaker? Would the option of having a shrek or a lmg be agreeable?
At the very least would open T1 builds into the meta, good synergy with being able to heal your troops and have a decent mix of AT and AI infantry supported by crewed weapons. Or a less versatile infantry mix supported by light vehicles with a T2 build, meaning a high risk, high reward payoff with vehicle rushes. |