Piat have the following characteristics:
- cost 40
- 2 available to most infantries
- weapon type ballistic
- range 45
- damage 120, deflection damage 80
- penetration 130/120/110
- accuracy 5.8/4.3/2.9
- DPS 17.1/ 17.1/ 15.3/ 13.1/ 11.0 (vs size 20)
- trajectory ballistic high angle
- projectile velocity medium to low
- scatter max distance 6, less with attack ground.
Imo currently the weapon either perform extremely good or very poorly. Extremely good vs slow stationary/targets bad against fast moving targets, making the weapon rather frustrating to use or to be used against you.
Point 1 and 2 make it extremely spammable , any improvements to performance should have cost and availability (limit to 1 per squad? remove availability to team members?) revisited.
Point 5,6 and 9 make it extremely good against heavy armored vehicles since it has decent penetration, chance for rear hit even when firing from the front and very good damage on deflection.
Point 8 show that it on paper it has the highest DPS than other held weapons.
Points 9,10,11 shows that it can be used behind shot blocker, that it is micro intensive (since players best bet is to try to predict vehicles position and use "attack ground"), the luck of collision greatly reducing actually DPS compared to other weapons.
reduce spammability (see above)
adjust cost and DPS, having the highest DPS weapon being the cheapest makes little sense.
Increase scatter on attack ground order.
Reduce damage to bunkers. With high damage and firing behind shotblockers the weapon can be easily used to take out base bunkers with little time for reaction.
increase consistency with one of the 2 next methods:
1) Introduce collision, having a "ballistic type weapon" that has almost zero chance of achieving collision makes little sense.
In ranges 0-10 the weapon could use a lower angle allowing the weapon to hit target via collision. This aim at making the performance more consistent at close ranges.
This can also help UKF protect their ATG from circle strafe or from being crashed and counter weight the limited access to AT snares. If needed one can replace the deflection damage with this method with a small stun affect (which should make the vehicle immune to further stuns for some time o avoid stun lock).
This could even be an fire mode, for the weapon available to the player. When chosen the weapon would have its range reduced to 0-15 and use direct fire with a higher speed projectile.
2)Change the weapon type. Instead of being a "ballistic type weapon" (direct fire) turn it to explosive type weapon. Instead of actually having to hit the target it would be able to damage target via AOE damage and AOE Penetration.
Cover table would have to be used so that the weapon would do extra damage to vehicles similarly to PTRS/Boys.
*(ballistic weapon type is rather bad use of the term from relic since it more suitable for indirect fire weapon)