Might aswell start a thread.
That unit isn't in the patch scope.
Why would I ever consider going for that unit while the Sturmgeschütz is doing the job better (and tbh is the only thing keeping Wehr in the game)?
Why is Wehrmacht - which is supposed to have an "additional tier" - stuck with a Panther that comes later than the OKW counterpart, yet is weaker (worse MGs, reload time, accuracy on the move, less vet)?
This unit needs something. It fulfills a role that isn't needed and can't fight anything effectively. It's also not going to be any more usfeul if every now and then an ISU or IS-2 hits the field. It still has a horrible rate of fire.
Do something about it. People are talking about the Wehr Panther for a year now.
Well, I mean, people have been talking about Grenadiers being underpowered for a long time, as well as Wehrmacht not being on par with repairs compared to any other Army since they're the only ones that can't repair with anything else but Pioneers.
And my favorite, the lack of a forward retreat point which is a less popular opinion due to the fact that many competitive 1v1 players reside on these forums and play on smaller maps where FRPs are less crucial and more "abusive" than on bigger maps. But if you ask me it's a risk and reward thing where if your FRP is too up front you might get cut off and surrounded and therefore have all of your infantry annihilated as well as being able to push out more effectively and early if you choose a good spot but that's just my unpopular opinion from my own personal experience. |
If I'm honest and none-biased, I'd make less changes to CoH than I would to CoH 2.
Relic reached a sort of nice balance for CoH on their own, the community Balance team has been trying to do the same for CoH 2 for the past few months but their attempts have been kinda meh to most of the casual non-competitive 1v1/2v2 community that just wants to play the game for fun, and which is the predominant part of the game's entire community.
In terms of features and content, CoH 2 beats CoH, hands down, if of course we aren't counting CoH's many mods that adds a hell of a lot more than CoH 2. In that sector I count units, abilities, new features such as vaulting, truesight, ColdTech and so forth, oh and commanders.
But if I was to go into commanders specifically, CoH 2 was a down-grade in terms of commanders, the game used less when it could have used more in terms of abilities per commanders, and many commanders are useless (many Soviet and Wehrmacht commanders specifically).
The UI... eh, I prefer CoH's UI if I'm honest, I hate round corners, I prefer boxy corners, and the 3 map markers (Attack here, Defend Here, Capture here), but I like CoH 2's unit icons with the clocks for units that are idle under fire and so forth, but I prefer CoH's ability to hide the unit icons since sometimes there would be action on your Top right side of the screen or you'd have too many units and it would be a cluserfuck to choose.
And I also like CoH 2's quality of life changes, like the ability to queue capturing orders from the minimap, select multiple groups together, reinforce groups instead of only individual units like in CoH which is annoying, especially if you go PE and have lots of Panzer Grenadiers.
But that's about it, the graphics are too cartoony for me in CoH 2, same as Dawn of War 3, I much rather prefer CoH's more realistic, gritty and dark graphics, and also explosion effects.
Plus the design of the Armies is fucked up in CoH 2, it makes no sense at all that the Wehrmacht is stuck with wooden base structures while the OKW has mobile HQs and not concrete structures like in CoH, since they're basically a late war representation of the German Army, nobody mentioned anything about them being based on the Ardennes Offensive Wehrmacht before the Ardennes Assault expansion so I'll stick to Relic making them up out of thin air. But I like the design of the Brits, sort of, except for the mortar pit. It gives you more choices in terms of what you want to do with them than forcing you to dig in like in CoH. I just regret that Relic didn't go full out with it instead of half-assing it, Anvil and Hammer could have been so much more than what they are now. The USF are also a no sense Army, and the riflemen spam is due to the fact that you have really no other options since they're your basic infantry. CoH's design for the US Army is so much better if you ask me. And I like the simplicity of the Ostheer/Wehrmacht and Soviets, I just think that they're lacking the repair options of the WFA, forward retreat points and some heavier tanks (looking at Wehr/Ost specifically, OKW has all of the cool toys, the Elephant is low compared to the Jagdtiger). |